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Loria, a classic inspired RTS is now permanently free

By - | Views: 16,359

It's Free Game Friday! You can now grab a copy of Loria completely free to keep, as the team has now moved onto their next game with them helping develop the upcoming RTS Liquidation.

Loria is something of a homage to the "golden era" of strategy game, with their attempt to put a little bit of a modern spin while keeping it in line with the classic theme. It has RTS elements blended with hero units, item collection and quest-driven missions. Their goal with Lora was to "take the best concepts from the classics and create a modern user-experience, intelligent AI, smooth controls, pleasing aesthetic and to add interesting content".

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The developer mentioned how it "seemed like the right move, as I cannot in good conscience support the game as I would expect myself paid game to be supported" and suggested any recent purchasers ask for a refund.


  • 2 playable races
  • 2 campaigns with 8 missions each ( 16 missions in summary )
  • Entertaining story
  • Dozens of units, buildings and upgrades
  • 6 unique heroes
  • Levelable heroes with backpack
  • Veteran units
  • Skirmish games

Find it free on GOG and Steam

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Free Game, GOG, Indie Game, RTS, Steam | Apps: Loria
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Whitewolfe80 Jun 11, 2021
Nice for free worth a play love me some rts games will check out there new game if i get into it
Cioranix Jun 11, 2021
Bought it a few weeks ago.
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