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Mainframe Defenders released back in February 2020 is a quality turn-based tactics game with a very retrofuturistic visual style like old terminals and now there's a free Mainframe Defenders: Meltdown - Prologue to play.

It's incredibly slick, the interface and visual style is really quite something when everything is in motion. The gameplay matches up nicely too, with simple but interesting tactical choices you need to make throughout the different types of missions.

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  • RETRO STYLE: Graphics, inspired by 80s terminal PC with hybrid synthwave soundtrack.
  • DIVERSE TACTICS: Cook enemy robots to death, bury them under your bullets, eliminate with a single powerful shot, or render your opponents useless with debuffs - this game is designed with a lot of viable strategies in mind.
  • BUILD YOUR SQUAD: Similar to how in card games you have to build your deck, in Mainframe Defenders you have to combine different items with unique abilities, to create an unstoppable squad. Work with item drawbacks or double down on them, creating flawed, yet powerful build!
  • UNIQUE ENEMIES: Enemy squad won't sit idle, though. Each unit has its own role in the squad and designed to counter certain strategies. Pick your targets wisely, or you will lose.
  • PROCEDURAL LEVELS: Hand-made rooms are combined with procedural generation to create random levels. Missions have differing objectives, combined with unique mission conditions. Will you accept the challenge or avoid the unknown and risk falling behind?
  • PROGRESSION SYSTEM: Victory or defeat, the game is not over yet! Unlock new units, each with a unique set of upgrades and load-outs. Unlock new items to bolster your new strategies.

As a Prologue, it's basically a permanent demo. It contains 6 out of the 24 total mechs to build your squad with, 90 out of 190 items and there's 1 act available to play through. The idea, is of course, to get you to buy the full game.

You can play for free on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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