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The fantastic Linux gaming overlay MangoHud has a new version out

By - | Views: 26,107

MangoHud, the all in one solution to show off various performance metrics for Linux gaming, has a brand new version out now with more options.

If you've never heard of it, this is the same piece of open source software we use in some videos for showing off FPS, frame timings, VRAM and RAM use and more. Here's a quick example using GLXGears so you can see what to expect from the tool:

MangoHud 0.6.2 and 0.6.3 are out now (one being a quick fix) bringing in these new options:

core_load_change Changes the colors of cpu core loads, uses the same data from cpu_load_value and cpu_load_change
resolution Display the current resolution
show_fps_limit Display the current fps limit
custom_text_center Display a custom centered text, only works with legacy_layout=false
custom_text Display a custom text, only works with legacy_layout=false
exec Display output of bash command in next column, e.g
exec=df -h /home | tail -n 1Only works with legacy_layout=false
gamemode Displays whether gamemode is enabled or not
vkbasalt Displays whether vkbasalt is enabled or not
swap Displays swap space usage next to system RAM usage
battery Display current battery percent and energy consumption
battery_icon Display battery icon instead of percent
battery_color Change the BATT text color
round_corners Change the amount of roundness of the corners have e.g round_corners=10.0

There's also these fixes and improvements:

  • Fixed issue where MangoHud would report incorrect GPU temp for AMD GPUs
  • Fixed crash with zink
  • Damavand detection
  • WineD3D detection
  • Zink detection

Check it out on GitHub.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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CatKiller Jun 12, 2021
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MangoHud is now the conky of gaming.
dpanter Jun 12, 2021
So... GOL RSS news feed in MangoHud?
LordDaveTheKind Jun 13, 2021
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Still the most useful feature in MangoHud is to display the time: it reminds me to eat, sleep and work.
dpanter Jun 14, 2021
So... GOL RSS news feed in MangoHud, here's how. :)

Run terminal RSS reader like rsstail and log to a file.
rsstail -N -i 300 -u https://www.gamingonlinux.com/article_rss.php > /path/to/file/golrss.txt

Tail the last line in your MangoHud config file.
exec=tail -n 1 /path/to/file/golrss.txt

As you can see, the text probably doesn't fit in a default sized window. You need this textfile workaround since you can't run rsstail directly currently because reasons.
CatKiller Jun 14, 2021
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Quoting: dpanterAs you can see, the text probably doesn't fit in a default sized window.
You could pipe the feed through something like fold or par before you put it in the text file (or after you've pulled out just the last line), and then display the multiple lines in conkyMangoHUD.

So something like
rsstail -N -n 1 -i 300 -u https://www.gamingonlinux.com/article_rss.php > /path/to/file/golrss.txt
exec=par 35 < /path/to/file/golrss.txt

Last edited by CatKiller on 14 June 2021 at 2:36 pm UTC
dpanter Jun 14, 2021
Quoting: CatKillerYou could pipe the feed through something like fold or par
Yeah... would be nice if mr Mango can fine tune exec a bit. Fold is better as it's a part of coreutils. I'd prefer to keep the exec command as minimal as possible since it runs every 0.5 seconds and it would be annoying if it affected the games performance.

A column break at 40 works in my example but it's a static dumb number and can't account for differently sized windows. Checking for this size is more effort than I can be arsed to spend. But for a lazy trick, this three liner works for catching the whole RSS feed update as they aren't longer than 120 characters... however, since many are shorter than 80, you'll see the last line from the previous update as well sometimes.
exec=fold -w 40 /path/to/file/golrss.txt | tail -n 3

Last edited by dpanter on 14 June 2021 at 2:46 pm UTC
CatKiller Jun 14, 2021
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Quoting: dpanterhowever, since many are shorter than 80, you'll see the last line from the previous update as well sometimes.
The -n 1 that I snuck into the rsstail should just pull the latest entry I think. My little one is poorly and needed a cuddle, so I stopped testing it after that.
dpanter Jun 14, 2021
Quoting: CatKillerThe -n 1 that I snuck into the rsstail should just pull the latest entry I think.
Ah yes, nice catch! I missed that option, bloody manpage isn't ordered alphabetically.
Not sure how often we can update the feed without making Liam angry, the example here is 300 seconds (5 minutes) which should be fine for catching most news updates without hammering the server.

rsstail -N -n 1 -i 300 -u https://www.gamingonlinux.com/article_rss.php > /path/to/file/golrss.txt
exec=fold -w 40 /path/to/file/golrss.txt | tail -c +2

edit: Added -c +2 so tail deletes the first empty character and removed -n 3 as the file now only contains the last RSS update and will show it entirely, updated screenshot.

Last edited by dpanter on 15 June 2021 at 3:35 pm UTC
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