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Ultimate ADOM - Caverns of Chaos, the modern reimagining of the classic roguelike from Assemble Entertainment version 0.9.0 is up as the "Combat Update" and it's set to leave Early Access on August 25.

Quite surprising really since it's only been in Early Access since February but they've put up some pretty big updates for the game over that time. The latest brings in a number of changes based on community feedback, along with a bunch of new content and lots of tweaks to combat. The skill trees for example have been streamlined, which allow for a bit more freedom and no longer locking you into certain weapons. They say combat has bee n "spiced up a lot" to make it overall more challenging. Check out the new trailer:

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As for new content included here's some highlights:

  • Four new pesky monsters plague the early dungeon levels.
  • Tons of new prefixes and suffixes, which effectively are adding millions of new items to the game:
    • Added 18 shield prefixes and 13 shield suffixes for a total of more than 40,000 new shields that can be found.
    • Added 13 ranged weapon prefixes and 14 ranged weapon suffixes, a couple of million new ranged weapons that can be found.
    • Added 6 more armor prefixes and 2 more armor suffixes.
    • Added 2 more body wear suffixes.
    • Added 2 more melee weapon prefixes.
    • Affix-based powers have been boosted to make them more exciting. A weapon of orc-slaying now finally means actually slaying orcs while wielding it!
  • Powerful items have a special marker with different colors now, indicating their power level: blue, yellow and purple indicate that a weapon is powerful, mighty and epic respectively.
  • The format of the highscore file was updated to improve performance.
    • Important notice:
      Unfortunately, this means that your old highscores will be gone after the update. Make sure to take a screenshot of your old highscores for bragging rights!
  • We also changed the format of some other configuration files, so you may get some prompts again in the main menu (that you already answered before) and you also might need to reconfigure the statistics configuration again (if you changed it).
  • You can now earn 5 Steam trading cards.

Find Ultimate ADOM on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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