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Beyond Sunset looks like a dreamy synthpunk retro sci-fi FPS

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Need more retro-looking FPS goodness? Beyond Sunset is a recent discovery and it sure does look good.

The developer says to expect a blending of first-person action with RPG elements, all wrapped in the style "of classic DOS games". They're not saying it's cyberpunk either like a lot do, they say it's more synthpunk with it being backed up by an original soundtrack by synthwave legend Karl Vincent.

Have a look at their trailer:

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"SUNSET CITY, CALIFORNIA - 20XX AD: You've been awakened from cryostasis by a mysterious woman.  You can't remember who you are. Your name, your identity... lost in the fog of hypersleep.

The woman offers you a deal: carry out her violent revenge against the crime syndicates that wronged her, and in return, she will restore your memories and identity..."


  • Fluid movement: High-octane first person action with advanced movement for dashing, sliding and other acrobatics.
  • Lo-Fi aesthetic: Graphics inspired by classic DOS first-person shooters from the era of Doom and Duke Nukem 3D.
  • RPG Elements: Interact with NPCs, learn the lore of Sunset City, take side missions and upgrade your abilities

The developer mentioned that Linux will be supported, although it's only been tested on Ubuntu but it should work across any Linux distribution.

You can follow Beyond Sunset on We shall be following it along to let you know when it gets a release date.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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axredneck Jul 7, 2021
Is it another Doom mod?
Pendragon Jul 7, 2021
This looks pretty great!
jarhead_h Jul 7, 2021
DOOM or Build engine?
coeseta Jul 8, 2021
Looks quiet nice, I will keep an eye on this one.

@jarhead_h the site has a hint that it might be based on the build engine.
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