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Developer Passenger has announced that their interactive fiction game Closed Hands is now available with a native Linux version from

While the story itself and the city are fictional, it pulls from Passenger founder and artist Dan Hett's own personal experience of losing his brother Martyn Hett in the Manchester terror attack in 2017. It's a pretty powerful piece of fiction that isn't often explored, especially not in this way.

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Game Features:

  • A rich, deep work of interactive fiction - 130,000+ words across almost 150 scenes written by Dan Hett, Dan Whitehead, Sharan Dhaliwal and Umar Ditta
  • Five distinct intertwining character arcs, and dozens of additional scenes to fill out the full story.  Follow a single character, or move between them to understand the full picture.
  • Nine possible endings to the game, with non-linear progression to get there. Discover everything by experimenting with key character decisions.
  • Features a dynamic ambient soundtrack by Ciaran McAuley (RUMA) that reacts to tension and events within the game as it unfolds
  • Game theme music composed and performed by Paul Wolinski (65daysofstatic, No Man's Sky)

Closed Hands was developed by Manchester indie games studio Passenger with support from the Arts Council England.

Find it on It's free but you can also pay whatever you want.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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PublicNuisance Jul 26, 2021
Looks interesting enough to try out.
Cheeseness Jul 26, 2021
For anybody who's interested, I helped out with this one :)
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