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Technically this is the first true Beta for Godot 3.4 as they mostly skipped the first when it had a major issue. Godot 3.4 is coming with some really great sounding improvements for this cross-platform free and open source game engine.

Unlike a lot of other game engines, Godot gives you full access to the source code. It's full supported across Linux, macOS and Windows for both the editor and game exports and its Linux support is top-notch. There's also no royalties to pay at any point.

Some of what's new and improved in Godot 3.4 Beta 2 includes:

  • Animation: Add animation "reset" track feature (GH-44558).
  • C#: iOS and Apple Silicon fixes (GH-49248).
    • macOS Mono builds are now universal builds with support for both x86_64 and arm64 architectures.
  • Core: Make all file access 64-bit (uint64_t) (GH-47254).
    • This adds support for handling files bigger than 2.1 GiB, including on 32-bit OSes.
  • Core: Add frame delta smoothing option (GH-48390).
    • This option is enabled by default (application/run/delta_smoothing). Please report any issue.
  • Crypto: Add AESContext, HMACContext, RSA public keys, encryption, decryption, sign, and verify (GH-48144, GH-48869).
  • Editor: Overhaul the theme editor and improve user experience (GH-49774).
  • HTML5: Export as Progressive Web App (PWA) (GH-48250).
  • HTML5: Implement Godot <-> JavaScript interface (GH-48691).
  • Import: Implement lossless WebP encoding (GH-47854).
  • Import: Backport improved glTF module with scene export support (GH-49120).
  • macOS: Add GDNative Framework support, and minimal support for handling Unix symlinks (GH-46860).
  • macOS: Add notarization support when exporting for macOS on a macOS host (GH-49276).
  • Mesh: Options to clean/simplify convex hull generated from mesh (GH-50328).
  • Particles: Add ring emitter for 3D particles (GH-47801).
  • Physics: Fixing 2D moving platform logic (GH-50166).
  • Physics: Various fixes to 2D and 3D KinematicBody move_and_slide and move_and_collide (GH-50495).
  • Rendering: Rooms and portals-based occlusion culling (GH-46130).
    • Extensive documentation will be available soon. In the meantime, you can read the work in progress on the godot-docs repository.
  • Rendering: Fixes depth sorting of meshes with transparent textures (GH-50721).
  • Rendering: Add soft shadows to the CPU lightmapper (GH-50184).
  • Rendering: Combined the DOF far and DOF near passes (GH-50723).
  • Rendering: Import option to split vertex buffer stream in positions and attributes (GH-46574).
  • RichTextLabel: Fix auto-wrapping on CJK texts (GH-49280).
  • Shaders: Add support for structs and fragment-to-light varyings (GH-48075).
  • VisualScript: Improve and streamline VisualScriptFuncNodes Call Set Get (GH-50709).

See their blog post for more.

Want to try without downloading? Have a look at Godot in your browser.

Article taken from
About the author -
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
See more from me
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elmapul Jul 29, 2021
speaking of godot, you should take a look at this

Blender demo - the junk shop "ported" to godot

Last edited by elmapul on 29 July 2021 at 10:26 am UTC
BielFPs Jul 29, 2021
I wonder if in the future we'll get some kind of "indirect collaboration" between Godot and O3DE
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