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Not only is Netflix a huge force in series, films, anime and plenty more they're also now getting into video games. Coming from a report on Bloomberg, it certainly looks like we're going to see one of the biggest streaming players enter the cloud gaming / game streaming market.

In the report it mentions that Netflix has now hired Mike Verdu, a former VP at Facebook Reality Labs who also worked with EA prior to that. Verdu will be vice president of game development at Netflix. Sounds like we will see games on Netflix within a year if it all goes well, with games being sat in their own category just like everything else on the service.

They're in a good position for it course, with well over 200 million subscribers that they can hook into. Can you imagine it? The next time you load Netflix after it all goes live, you're greeted with big splash adverts for streaming games? The possibilities of this are interesting. Netflix already works on Linux, although due to the version of Widevine used we do see lower quality of Linux so we're keen to see how this would be handled when done through a browser.

Does sound like a logical expansion for Netflix. Considering they already work with video games for some of their shows, they've teamed up with the likes of Valve and Riot to have shows made from their games and they also do a few different interactive series / movies like Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, Minecraft Story Mode and others.

What do you think to this news, would you use a gaming service from Netflix?

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Tim Jul 15, 2021
Sorry for being salty, but all this sounds like RIP PC gaming.
kokoko3k Jul 15, 2021
Quoting: TimSorry for being salty, but all this sounds like RIP PC gaming.
Nah, you can't push VR XOR online gaming.
TheSHEEEP Jul 15, 2021
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Prepare for your favourite video game series getting cancelled before the conclusion of the story. Or any conclusion whatsoever.
Can't wait!

I'm only subbing to any of these to watch specific series (or movies) that are already concluded. Anything else just seems to be a waste of time.

Last edited by TheSHEEEP on 15 July 2021 at 10:24 am UTC
kokoko3k Jul 15, 2021
First game published on Netflix online gaming platform https://www.terribleposture.com/3-out-of-10/

Last edited by kokoko3k on 15 July 2021 at 10:34 am UTC
Interloper Jul 15, 2021
Honestly, after the Cuties incident, Netflix should not get any kind of publicity.

Nefarious and disgusting company. I hope they fail.
Eike Jul 15, 2021
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Just when I thought: "Hey, don't we need a seventh cloud game streaming service!?!"
Julius Jul 15, 2021
Hmm... given that Valve already does cooperate with Netflix on some things, I wonder if there is any link there. While Valve would probably be able to make their own cloud streaming service (utilizing servers from someone like AWS or IBM/RedHat), they have so far been quite reluctant to do so and I think they have realized that their customer base doesn't want "yet another streaming subscription service" (like they don't want "yet another exclusive game store").

So short of not entering this market at all, maybe they just say... lets make a cooperation with Netflix? Seems like a good partner as they don't compete with Valve otherwise and they already have the servers and customers.
Cybolic Jul 15, 2021
Quoting: InterloperHonestly, after the Cuties incident, Netflix should not get any kind of publicity.

Nefarious and disgusting company. I hope they fail.
They made a terrible poster - let's not throw the whole company out over one bad marketing decision. If you have an issue with the movie itself, I suggest you read this to at least get a picture of why it exists.

Anyway, back to games.
Zlopez Jul 15, 2021
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It looks like the games will be at the same place like movies, audio and e-books are nowadays, where you have a hard time to actually find something that is distributed in some open format. Now you can at least download games with DRM attached (praise to GOG for distributing non-DRM games), but looking at the game streaming services popping up, it seems that this wouldn't be true in the future. Let's see how this ends, but I'm afraid that in few years you will not be able to play anything AAA without streaming it from some cloud service.

Let's hope my vision is not true, but the games are the only part of the entertainment world that is not yet DRM online only in most cases.
Dorrit Jul 15, 2021
I'll never, ever, use streaming services for whatever purpose.
My movies and TV series are on DVDs, the music on CDs, the games on HDDs and the books on paper.
Streaming/cloud/online is just another way of control over the populace, together with video surveillance, facial recognition, smart phone apps...
Covid passports anyone?
Digital money Ma'am and Sir?

Shove your Brave New World where the sun doesn't shine.
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