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The release of the fantastic space station building and management game Starmancer is getting ever closer, and now a GOG released has been confirmed today. It's been a while since the Kickstarter in 2018, which showed a hugely promising idea.

Starmancer follows long after some sort of catastrophe on Earth with the remains of humanity having their brains uploaded into special memory banks. You're responsible for building up a sustainable station to enable supporting human life, which you end up growing in special pods to have a consciousness downloaded into.

"Starmancer offers gameplay with consequences, a living sandbox environment, crafting, and managing the daily lives of colonists. Create a utopian society where everyone is well fed, happy, and safe. Or go rogue and figure out how many times a colonist can eat wheat before they go crazy. The choice is yours!"

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It does sound really exciting, and I'm thoroughly keen to see how different it is to the also rather great Space Haven which also offers Linux support. Starmancer has a similar overall theme but from what we've seen the two differ quite a lot in the execution. Space Haven involves plenty of exploration, with your station also being ships while Starmancer seems to be a lot more grounded in building and maintaining a single station.

You can now follow Starmancer on as well as Steam. It's due to enter Early Access on August 5 with native Linux support right away.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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14 Jul 20, 2021
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I feel like I've been waiting a long time. Space Haven looks cool, but Starmancer has always been the one I wanted first. I'm even a bit tempted to get the EA version as long as they release that to GOG.
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