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Chess with lasers, Deflection confirmed for release on September 14

By - | Views: 10,471

Developed by the two-person studio Coreffect Interactive, the strategy game Deflection is set to release with native Linux support on September 14.

It's not exactly chess, although it does take some basic elements from it with gameplay inspired by both the classic Laser Chess and Khet. You face off against another player one on one, with you each trying to destroy the enemy's king with your laser. Through the game you will move and rotate mirrors to bounce it around, use portals to move it across the board and more. Deflection looks like it will make your mind spin a little and quite a nice looking board-game styled strategy game. You'll be able to fight against others online, fight the AI and create levels with the built in editor too.

Check out the new trailer:

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Game Features:

  • Local and Online Multiplayer.
  • Singleplayer: Play versus AI.
  • Level Editor!
  • Tutorial mode which goes through rules and tactics.
  • A lot of scenarios/maps designed to challenge you, some having unique pieces only available in them.
  • Many different pieces with advantages, downsides, abilities and more. (Portals, Tesla Towers, Spikes etc.)
  • 3D Camera with full control, with cutscenes during kills, activations etc.
  • Steam Achievements and stats.
  • All games can also be played in Competitive/Timed Mode!

You can follow it on Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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I enjoyed Khet as a kid so I will pick this one up.
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