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Destiny 2 on Stadia finally gets cross-platform play

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For those of you using Linux and the cloud gaming service Stadia, Destiny 2 got a huge boost recently as Bungie finally implemented cross-play.

Sadly, Destiny 2 doesn't yet work on the Linux desktop directly through Steam Play Proton, and they've just recently added in BattlEye which makes it even more difficult to get working. Thankfully, Stadia is an option that works quite well on Linux in a Chromium browser. One issue though is that the Stadia player-base isn't exactly all that big so finding people to play with could have been an issue.

This update adding in cross-play comes along with the Season of the Lost, trailer is below:

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Here's how cross-play now works:

Competitive Matchmaking
  • Competitive game modes such as Gambit and Crucible playlists will be divided into two matchmaking pools, one for console players (PlayStation, Xbox, and Stadia) and one for Windows players. If a console player joins a fireteam containing Windows players, the fireteam will be matchmade into the Windows player pool for the activity. Additionally, Trials of Osiris will require players to have Cross Play enabled to participate.

Non-Competitive Matchmaking

  • Non-competitive activities and game modes, such as Strikes and social spaces, will matchmake across all available platforms and will not be separated into distinct pools.

Play Stadia on Linux on with a Chromium browser.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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LinuxScouser Aug 26, 2021
Crossplay for Destiny 2 has me really excited about potentially being able to catch up with old console friends while playing on PC. I much prefer how the game plays with mouse and keyboard than controller.

The thing that will still make me really annoyed with D2 on Stadia is knowing that they've essentially made the game run on Linux and yet refuse to help make it work on Linux itself. That and many other reasons are why I haven't bought any new DLC since Shadowkeep dropped.

I'm hoping the introduction of Steam Deck will push things forward but until then, I'll keep randomly dipping my toe in the game by playing random strikes for free. Sure, I miss out on raiding and the new introductions of game modes. I don't know how else to voice my displeasure than with my wallet since complaining feels like screaming into the void.
wintermute Aug 28, 2021
Quoting: LinuxScouserI'm hoping the introduction of Steam Deck will push things forward but until then

They've also switched to BattleEye anti-cheat rather than their own in-house thing so I'm thinking there's some chance now it will eventually work with Proton.
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