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Chronicon is a game that I keep on coming back to because it's just so good. A 2D action-RPG in the vein of Diablo made with GameMaker Studio 2 and it works great on Linux. Developer Subworld has managed to carve out something really quite special here, with over five thousand user reviews on Steam giving it an Overwhelmingly Positive score it's easy to see why.

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Don't be fooled by how fast it looks, most of the early to mid game is pretty tame.

The big 1.3 update is out now adding in quite a bit, here's some highlights:

Tarot Cards:

  • Rare randomly dropped cards that can be handed in to Tarot for weighted TL drops. This will give you an extra chance to get those items that you aren't having any luck with finding randomly.

Lesser Boss Anomalies!

  • Fight vs random bosses from the story, featuring all except the final boss of each act.
  • These anomalies have a largely increased chance to drop rare crafting materials such as Runelord's Remorse, and start at Mythic 3 difficulty.

Endless Random Anomalies!

  • Just like the Endless Dungeon Anomalies, except one floor each, and the portal opens up next to you. Caveat: You can't tier skip with randoms.

24 new enemy variations!

  • Based on existing enemies, and appearing in Anomalies. Technically tied to the upcing DLC areas, but we threw these in here to give some more variation for the base game too.

Added a weather system!

  • Currently has: snow, sandstorm, rain, and ash/cinders.
  • Weather is tied to some story areas and may randomly appear in Anomalies in low-medium intensity to not get in your way while still adding some nice ambiance. (And in DLC content)

That's only just scratching the surface. There's a bunch of performance improvements, UI improvements and much more.

In other Chronicon news, the DLC called Ancient Beasts now has a page up on Steam. No date on when the expansion will release but it already sounds good with a new familiar system that sees you raise Ancient Beasts to follow you along.

You can find Chronicon on Humble Store and Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Nezchan Aug 20, 2021
This is a game that did what I thought was impossible -- it made playing a Berserker feel boring.

I tried it as an archer and that was pretty fun, but the first several levels of Berserker felt so underpowered and slow that it just plain wasn't a good experience at all. Not sure how it is in multiplayer, but on your own not so great.
Julius Aug 21, 2021
This game has some serious difficulty issues, meaning it is waaaaay to easy in some character configurations even on the hardest difficulty levels.
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