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Help a not-so-average clown find their lost dog in Ayo the Clown

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Ayo the Clown is a new release from developer Cloud M1 where you assume the role of a not-so-average clown who sets off on an adventure to find their lost dog.

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"You play as Ayo, your not-so-average clown, in search of his best friend and beloved dog who has mysteriously disappeared. What happened to Bo? Will they ever juggle together at the park again? Or set up that circus act they’ve always planned? You’ll find out along this incredible adventure as you strive to reunite clown and dog. Like all good adventures, you won’t be all on your own. Ayo’s world is full of friendly people and interesting creatures that are willing to lend a helping hand."


  • Unique Platforms- The most important part of any platform game. Each stage has a unique theme and interesting platforms to ensure gaming is fun and not repetitive because Ayo is not the kind of clown to make the same old jokes over and over again. His jokes get better each time.
  • Huge Bosses and loads of enemies- Take on bosses bigger than life itself and prove that clowns are much tougher than they seem. Don’t be fooled by Ayo’s sweet demeanor!
  • Weapons - Tanks, helicopters, dinosaurs, toy hammers, balloon swords, water balloons, you name it. They can help uncover hidden places, extinguish fire, defeat enemies, prank your friends...etc.
  • Skills- Head stomps, wall jumps, slope slides, and many more, Ayo sure has a lot of tricks up his sleeve.
  • Side Quests- There’s plenty of side quests you can take on in Town or along your journey, so be prepared for some surprising rewards.
  • Collectibles- Can you find and collect all the hidden items throughout the game? Rubber chicken and fart bag anyone?

I actually did some personal early pre-release testing on this one, to ensure the developer had their early builds up to scratch on Linux and it seemed like a genuinely good adventure platformer. Some wonderful visuals, truly quirky characters along with a really vibrant atmosphere give it an almost Nintendo feel. If you love a good platformer, this certainly seems like one to get.

Ayo was also crowdfunded, so it's great to see that we can tick another off the list.

You can buy it on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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kokoko3k Aug 4, 2021
dorron Aug 4, 2021
Sackboy, is that you?
buckysrevenge Aug 4, 2021
Quoting: dorronSackboy, is that you?
I was thinking that or one of the Yoshi platformer games
Migwell Aug 5, 2021
Looks great! Normally I go for metroidvanias but I'm open to a simpler platformer if it's as polished as this seems.

The game may be about clowns but these devs are not clowns 🤡
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