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IXION is a city-building survival game on a huge moving space station

By - | Views: 18,354

Coming from Bulwark Studios and Kasedo Games (Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus) we have IXION, a new sci-fi building and exploration game with a trailer where the moon blows up.

A game that combines together elements of a few different genres. There's city-building, survival elements and plenty of exploring space in what they're saying is quite like a space opera. You are the admin of the Tiqqun space station, and you job is to find a new home for humanity since Earth is no longer suitable.

Check out the new trailer:

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Writing on the Steam forum today, the publisher confirmed that Linux support is planned and that they will "we'll provide more information nearer to the time". Considering the great job the developer and publisher did with Mechanicus I'm cautiously excited for this one.

Follow IXION on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Koopacabras Aug 27, 2021
Oh same studio that made Warhammer Mechanicus looks promising
STiAT Aug 27, 2021
Interesting mix of genres. Could be cool... hopefully will be too.
TheSHEEEP Aug 27, 2021
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Yeah, Mechanicus was cool. Not perfect, mind you, but room for improvement is good, I guess!
Tchey Aug 27, 2021
I don’t feel attracted by the game as i think it will be (colony sim like the few last ones released these months), but only because of Mechanicus team, i’ll follow it.
Koopacabras Aug 27, 2021
Quoting: TcheyI don’t feel attracted by the game as i think it will be (colony sim like the few last ones released these months), but only because of Mechanicus team, i’ll follow it.
Yeah I liked Mechanicus quite a lot, it was not a perfect TBS game like XCOM, that has ton of replaybility ... but for 1 or 2 playthroughs it was more than fine.
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