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Kingdoms and Castles gets an Alpha version with AI Kingdoms

By - | Views: 31,703

Kingdoms and Castles is a medieval fantasy city-builder that's getting closer to a colossal-sized update, and now you can try the Alpha version with AI factions.

Currently, the game is just you building up a big castle and seeing how long you can hold out. Over time it has expanded with new options to build and new threats but now the AI Kingdoms update is coming. As the title suggests, it gives you the ability to (it's optional) add in AI enemies who will build their own cities. This makes the game far more like a traditional RTS, although with a little more depth to the building systems.

To get access to the alpha you need to enter the code "alphatester123" on the Steam Beta options for the game. There's a lot they still need to add and tweak but here's some of what to expect added in (either available now or later):

  • AI Kingdoms
  • Minimap
  • Kingdom colour selection
  • Diplomacy
  • Transport Carts
  • Siege Workshop + Catapults
  • Sea Gates
  • A new visibility system (so you don't just see your rivals)

That's just a quick highlight, there's lots more big and small coming to it and most of it you can try in the Alpha.

You can find Kingdoms and Castles on Steam, GOG and itch.io.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Izaic Aug 4, 2021
Been waiting a long time for the AI update to land. Looking forward to it finally releasing so I can give the game a play again.
WorMzy Aug 4, 2021
Nice. Been a while since I played this, but it got a bit boring only dealing with dragons and vikings. This update should give things a good shake up.
kaiman Aug 4, 2021
I had already given up on that one, so here's a positive surprise :-).

Though even without AI opponents I had quite the good time playing already; I always find it deeply relaxing to map out a city and see it come to life. (That's why currently I spend a lot of time with Mini Motorways).
hardpenguin Aug 5, 2021
They keep and keep and keep updating this, all for the same initial price. Insane!
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