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Roguebook from the developer of Faeria is now released for Linux

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Abrakam Entertainment SA along with publisher Nacon have released Roguebook their deck-builder roguelike for Linux. The Linux release follows on from the original Kickstarter campaign in 2019 (that had Linux noted as a platform) where they raised €66,810. It released on Steam for Windows in June, with macOS following in July and now in August we have a native Linux build too.

"The ancients speak of a Book written since time immemorial containing all the world's legends. After many fabulous adventures, recounted in Faeria – Chronicles of Gagana, this relic was lost in a well of Faeria. Through contact with this source of magic, the Book developed a wicked free will of its own and became the Roguebook!"

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The Linux release was announced in a post on Steam, which went over other details of the update that came along with it. New features include hotkey configuration, new unique animations, smoother playing of cards, new narrative events and more.

Game Features:

  • 6 hero pairs – Choose 2 heroes to start a game. Each hero has a collection of over 50 cards, a personal relic and a unique skill tree.
  • Maximise synergies – The hero at the front protects the hero at the back. Switch the positions of your heroes and combine their strengths to unleash powerful combos.
  • Strategic battles – Skilfully anticipate and queue up your actions to defeat over 40 bosses and enemies.
  • Dynamic deckbuilding – Over 200 cards to cleverly assemble as the game progresses. You will never play with the same deck twice.
  • Relics with unique powers – Upgrade your cards with 30 special gems. Collect 80 relics with extraordinary effects.
  • More cards, more power! – Each hero has a unique skill tree to unlock. Collect cards and select the best skills!
  • The Book changes each time you open it – The map along with its mysteries and dangers are procedurally generated for a brand-new challenge every time.
  • Paint the world – The Roguebook's pages are composed of hexagonal tiles. Use magic inks that reveal different patterns to fully explore each page.
  • A range of encounters – Merchants, travellers, ruins, quests, etc. Lots of chances to obtain cards and relics… or to fall into a trap!

You can buy Roguebook from Humble Store and Steam. As of right now it's not showing as actually available for Linux but it's definitely all there. Nice to be able to tick off another from our big crowdfunding list.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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ixnari Aug 10, 2021
I really dig their art style, I'll definitely be getting this somewhere down the line. Is this also coming to DRM-free platforms like itch or GOG? I would prefer to buy it there, but I don't mind getting it on Steam.
furaxhornyx Aug 11, 2021
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This one was in my wishlist, in case a Linux version would appears... Time to clear the wishlist
1xok Aug 11, 2021
Wow, Richard Garfield was involved. Reminds me of Artifact. I just played it again yesterday after a long time. Still can't understand why it has so few fans.
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