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Ready for some hacking? Midnight Protocol, the strategic RPG from LuGus Studios and Iceberg Interactive is seeing a slight delay to the release but there's a new trailer and demo up.

Set in the near-future it's a narrative-driven game about being a hacktivist in a world filled with "labour automation, big data, controversial AI applications, legal grey zones, and the nebulous nature of online identity" - so pretty much where we are now right? You are known as 'Data' and you recently got doxxed with a "shadowy branch of government" out to get you. Check out the new trailer:

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Sadly the release has slipped a bit. It was going to release this Summer but they're pushing it back to Q4 2021. No specific reason was given for the delay but they have updated the demo with plenty of improvements so it might be worth giving it a shot to keep it on your radar.



Will you respect others’ privacy and bank accounts, or leave no stone unturned? Midnight Protocol allows you to play as the hacker you want to be. Help the police track down a rogue hacker, or blackmail a desperate husband trying to recover… dubious pictures. Gain black, grey, and white hat reputation to change the direction of the story based on your choices.


Midnight Protocol’s design focuses on immersing you in a world of digital warfare without complicated hacking mechanics. Your keyboard is your weapon, type commands to eliminate or evade security programs, letting your keystrokes become part of the soundtrack.


Cracking a digital safe or extracting classified data requires careful planning. Pay the troll toll, use digital jackhammers, cloaks, and daggers to combat cybersecurity. Buy new programs or hardware on the black market, and customize your deck to fit your playstyle.


Take on dozens of sidequests filled with easter eggs and references, gather additional intel on your targets before you start a mission, and play some hacker chess to wind down. Midnight Protocol is jam-packed with optional missions, providing hours of additional content.

Check out Midnight Protocol on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

Anza Aug 30, 2021
Demo is worth trying out. Even when the game kind of is somewhat extended hacking minigame, it's somewhat oddly satisfying.
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