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After being released for more than 10 years, VVVVVV is back with a big new version which follows on from the source code being released back in early 2020. This marks the first update to the game in around seven years too. Not something that you will see too often for a classic indie platformer.

The changelog is massive but here's some of the highlights:

  • Uncapped framerate
  • In-game timer support
  • Big giant middleware update, including SDL 2.0.16 and updated Wayland support
  • A huge number of features for level creators
  • An obscene number of bugfixes, notably regarding undefined C/C++ behaviour

You can see the official announcement from Terry Cavanagh, along with some words from game porter / FNA creator Ethan Lee that mentions "This release was really important to me because I wanted to show that it was possible to do new releases of games with published source code rather than abandoning them like most other developers do, and I think players will immediately see that the results speak for themselves.".

VVVVVV really is a classic you need to play through.

Available to buy from Humble Store, GOG, and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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PublicNuisance Aug 31, 2021
I love the way the developer has handled the game but just couldn't enjoy the game. Way too much trial and error based platforming where there is little chance you won't die the first time through an area as you couldn't have predicted where a trap was going to be and the game expects you to memorize things and try again.
pb Aug 31, 2021
> Big giant middleware update, including SDL 2.0.16 and updated Wayland support

Bracing for the Steam Deck release? ;-)
dibz Aug 31, 2021
Loved this game, beat it years ago.

I actually played through nearly the entire game on an iphone believe it or not, and just couldn't beat the final area with touch screen controls. I actually took my save from my cell phone and moved it to my desktop to finish the game! There was a trick to it though, and I want to say it needed an older build of the game that used air or flash or something like that versus the then-current version that didn't support the save file.
flesk 10 years Aug 31, 2021
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  • Contributing Editor
I love this game, and I've played through it multiple times with all trinkets. Happy to see it get some more love and attention.

Quoting: dibzI actually played through nearly the entire game on an iphone believe it or not, and just couldn't beat the final area with touch screen controls.

I believe it, as I've played through the entire game on Android with touch controls myself. Here's a video of me doing Veni, Vidi, Vici during a bus ride.

I had the game on mute, and instead captured the sound of my touching the screen and some bus noises.
dibz Aug 31, 2021
Quoting: fleskI love this game, and I've played through it multiple times with all trinkets. Happy to see it get some more love and attention.

Quoting: dibzI actually played through nearly the entire game on an iphone believe it or not, and just couldn't beat the final area with touch screen controls.

I believe it, as I've played through the entire game on Android with touch controls myself. Here's a video of me doing Veni, Vidi, Vici during a bus ride.

I had the game on mute, and instead captured the sound of my touching the screen and some bus noises.

Quite impressive!
Anza Aug 31, 2021
What caught my eye was that Terry is quite optimistic about results of having the source code available (that is quite evident even from the shorter announcement on Steam). So it really seems like Ethans suggestion of trying the open source approach really worked. Let's see if source code of some of the other games end up on Github.

Last edited by Anza on 1 September 2021 at 4:40 pm UTC
Pendragon Aug 31, 2021
I never did finish this game... Had a bangin' soundtrack though
PinballWizard Sep 1, 2021
  • Supporter Plus
As a child of the c64 this game speaks DIRECTLY to my heart!
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