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You have to hand it to Creative Assembly and Feral Interactive for their commitment to Total War: ROME REMASTERED, with version 2.0.2 out now and it's absolutely massive. Since this was developed directly with Feral, we don't need to wait around for patches either, the Linux support is first-class here.

This patch touches on practically all parts of the game with major modding improvements adding in expanded limits, new features, new modding tools and documentation, plus a number of bug fixes. Features previously only in the expansions were added to the main game for modders to hook into including: swimming, shield wall, religion, hording, loyalty and much more. Overall there's just a lot more that modders can now do with the game.

When it comes to the UI they took on a lot of feedback, as it turns out many gamers weren't a big fan of the newer UI. There's a lot of new functionality included and quality of life improvements like renaming settlements by double-clicking the name, the ability to change tax rates within the Settlements List and the Settlement Overview panel, a plague icon above plague-infected units and on their unit cards, a new button for auto-sorting units and loads more additions, fixes and enhancements.

They shared a screenshot showing off some of the UI improvements:

Battle UI also saw a few tweaks including:

  • Added unit weapon and armour upgrade icons to unit cards
  • Fixed an issue where firing arc ranges would not render on water
  • Added an extra UI slot for units with special abilities
  • Removed context sensitivity for Halt and Withdraw buttons; both options are now always available
  • Fixed an issue where the Deselect All button would not display
  • Added Generals’ names to their unit tooltip
  • Updated the hourglass icon in multiplayer lobbies

Add to that Menu UI improvements, lots of audio upgrades including better mixing and balancing of Battle audio. There's even some graphical improvements, a couple of gameplay changes and then plenty of AI upgrades.

The big one part though are the AI upgrades because that was another sore point players were mentioning. The AI is just a lot smarter now overall. The AI's ability to asses naval threats was improved, the AI now provides clearer responses to ceasefire proposals, the AI will also now propose counter-offers to sensible military access requests rather than rejecting outright and much more. See the full patch notes on the Total War blog.

You can buy it from Humble Store and Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Eike Aug 11, 2021
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I'm under the impression that a Total War with a good AI wouldn't be a Total War anymore. :D
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