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Ready for more brutal action? There's some free content on the way for Blasphemous with the Blasphemous: Wounds of Eventide free update arriving on December 9 and a sequel was announced too.

From what we've been told Wounds of Eventide will properly conclude "The Penitent One’s first journey and unlocks the game’s true ending". As for the sequel it's still in the early stages of production but it will be a "direct" follow-up to the multi-award winning action platformer that was funded via Kickstarter.

Check out the trailer:

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Are you excited for the new content and sequel? Let us know in the comments. The Game Kitchen have done seriously well with this one. The original Kickstarter was nicely funded with over $300K, plus it sold over a million copies as of March 2021 so it's not surprising to see they're going to bring out more of it.

You can buy Blasphemous from Humble Store and Steam for a key, sadly the Linux build is still not available on GOG.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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scaine Sep 9, 2021
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Awesome trailer. Such a good game - I need to restart it. I got about 15 hours in then some new shiny thing distracted me, and it's a bit of a Hollow Knight experience... if you leave it for too long and then go back, you're like "wait... what have I done so far, where do I go next???".
MisterPaytwick Sep 9, 2021
Quoting: scaineif you leave it for too long and then go back, you're like "wait... what have I done so far, where do I go next???".

Until you left like me after around 20 tries in a row on one of the final bosses (Crisanta of the Wrapped Agony can go [REDACTED] herself)

I just hope it won't break my save, so I can wrap it up even if it drop in the middle of it. Knowing I do have to do all the extra bits like Blasphemous × Bloodstained - Ritual of the Night.

EDIT: just so people get me right: while the difficulty is a bit uneven and I kind of set myself up for ditching the game for a while, it's definitely one of the best game I've played in years.

Last edited by MisterPaytwick on 9 September 2021 at 12:20 pm UTC
ShabbyX Sep 9, 2021
If you liked Salt & Sanctuary, you should play this game. Also if you liked Axiom Verge or Hollow Knight.
Cyril Sep 9, 2021
Still waiting for the Linux release on GOG.
With this bad move, will they support Linux for the sequel? I don't think so...
Alm888 Sep 9, 2021
Quoting: CyrilStill waiting for the Linux release on GOG.
With this bad move, will they support Linux for the sequel? I don't think so...
You can stop waiting now. Seriously.
This is an official decision -- it won't be available on GOG.

Does not mean there will be no support for Linux in the sequel. Just not on GOG, most probably.
slaapliedje Sep 9, 2021
This is such a weird game. Love it. Twisted and great.

Quoting: Alm888
Quoting: CyrilStill waiting for the Linux release on GOG.
With this bad move, will they support Linux for the sequel? I don't think so...
You can stop waiting now. Seriously.
This is an official decision -- it won't be available on GOG.

Does not mean there will be no support for Linux in the sequel. Just not on GOG, most probably.
This is basically why I think GOG is kind of a failure for Linux users. Wonder if the Steam Deck will finally get GOG to port Galaxy over to Linux, so they can get a slice of that portability pie. If not, at least we have Lutris (which of course doesn't have all the features of Galaxy).

Edit: also wanted to ask, is that a front view of the R-Type ship? Still my favorite shoot 'em up.

Last edited by slaapliedje on 9 September 2021 at 9:04 pm UTC
furaxhornyx Sep 10, 2021
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New update = new excuse to make a third run
Alm888 Sep 10, 2021
Quoting: slaapliedjeThis is basically why I think GOG is kind of a failure for Linux users. Wonder if the Steam Deck will finally get GOG to port Galaxy over to Linux, so they can get a slice of that portability pie. If not, at least we have Lutris (which of course doesn't have all the features of Galaxy).
To be honest, I think it is not about GOG being not suitable for Linux: they just did not put heart into it. GOG has issues with many things, but the core issue is that CDProjekt thinks gamers are not cunning enough. GOG for gamers and GOG for CDProjekt investors are two completely different entities. In their financial reports CDProjekt never mention "DRM-free" or any proclaimed "GOG principles". This does not sell. Instead there are social integration, Galaxy as a community platform for social activities and attraction of 3rd-party developers no matter the cost (if they want DRM -- fine). This is why GOG does not persuade developers into platform parity or feature parity -- it does not want to break relationships -- and "principles" can not be monetized.
In a nutshell, GOG could be ideal for Linux, if CDProjekt wanted to. But it is not (not only from gamer's POV but from developer's as well). So, it is hard to blame developers for staying as far away from GOG as possible.

Quoting: slaapliedjeEdit: also wanted to ask, is that a front view of the R-Type ship? Still my favorite shoot 'em up.
If you are about my avatar, then no. It is an Aerotank, a twin-cannon + plasma railgun wielding floating military robot from "Phantasy Star II". :)

Last edited by Alm888 on 10 September 2021 at 3:30 pm UTC
hm11 Sep 15, 2021
That's quite a presentation; this game's spanish dub is pretty damn cool!
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