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Legend of Keepers: Return of the Goddess expansion is out now

By - | Views: 10,036

Legend of Keepers: Return of the Goddess is an expansion for the reverse dungeon crawler, where you're setting up a dungeon to keep away pesky heroes.

As a reminder: you pick a boss and build up a dungeon with various trap rooms and rooms full of monsters to defend against invasions. Once heroes invade, you then watch and hope that your dungeon and boss hold their ground. It's pretty to get a little engrossed with it as it sucks away your time. This first expansion was not developed by the original team (Goblinz Studio / Goblinz Publishing) instead by their partners at TavroxGames, who made Neurodeck.

Check out the trailer:

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Here's what it includes:

  • Goddess master
  • 5 missions
  • 3 Sarcophagi to choose from when getting a Promotion
  • 10 Mummies monsters
  • 3 traps including 1 rare trap playable with all masters
  • 5 artefacts
  • Free content for everyone: 2 new monsters & 2 new traps + Pyramids environment!

You can buy the game from GOG, Humble Store and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Para-Gliding Sep 15, 2021
purchased. I usually play this game while watching a film or series. Relaxing because turn-based. Fast and really tactic and strategic. I love the sound design: deep sound, making feel the magic and strikes. A nice game for its price, nearly alone in its niche: the type of game fun and taking with real stakes and reflection but that you can do while eating, watching tv because there is no urge due to the turn by turn, and you don't have to remember lot of stuffs and plan too much.
furaxhornyx Sep 16, 2021
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Purchased as well, this is a nice game to chill
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