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Building upon a bunch of big new features in the first Lutris v0.5.9 Beta, a second Beta is out now with a focus on polishing up the experience that needs more testing.

What is Lutris? It's a free and open source application to help you manage games from various sources. This includes GOG, Humble Store, Epic Games, Steam, Emulators, Compatibility Layers (Wine) and much more. It's a simple way of keeping all your games together in one place. One launcher to rule them all.

This Beta has no extra big features but a focus on readying it up for a full release of v0.5.9.

As a reminder of what's new and changed:

  • Add initial support for Epic Games Store
  • Add support for Steam for Windows as a game source
  • Add support for DXVK-NVAPI and DLSS
  • Add FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) option for compatible Wine versions
  • Add workaround for locale issues when Lutris is launched from Steam
  • Add gamescope option
  • Lutris games can now be launched from Steam
  • 3rd party services can be enabled or disabled in the preferences
  • The main preferences window has now tabs on the left side
  • Runner configuration is now available from the main preferences window
  • VKD3D is a separate option from DXVK
  • Esync is enabled by default
  • Dolphin is available as a game source (reads games from the emulator's
    local database of games)
  • Scan for installed games when using Steam source
  • Improved automatic installers for GOG, detection of DOSBOX and ScummVM
  • DRM free services (Humble, GOG) can locate existing installations of games
  • Use 7zip as the default extractor when not given an archive type
  • Improve process monitoring, allowing for monitoring of Steam games
  • Disable AMD switchable graphics layer by default (breaks games)
  • Removed support for Gallium 9
  • Removed support for X360CE
  • Removed legacy WineD3D options

If you've been testing out Lutris recently, what do you think about it? Let us know in the comments.

See more on the Lutris website and GitHub.

Article taken from
Tags: Apps, Beta, Open Source | Apps: Lutris
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Corben Sep 7, 2021
Nice! Removes the necessity to have the EGS installed via Lutris then.

As Lutris is meant the be the gamelauncher, is it planned to have integrated as well? Or is that already in and I am blind?
robertosf92 Sep 7, 2021
Hmm, to what extent is this now a valid replacement of Heroic Games Launcher?
keturidu Sep 7, 2021
googled but didn't find info. any possibility to install on manjaro/arch? there's no lutris-beta aur anymore. github link offers .deb. manjarers, do you all ignore beta versions?
strycore Sep 7, 2021
Quoting: CorbenNice! Removes the necessity to have the EGS installed via Lutris then.

As Lutris is meant the be the gamelauncher, is it planned to have integrated as well? Or is that already in and I am blind?

No, this is a way to integrate with the EGS client itself and does not replace it. You can have a fully native EGS replacement with the Heroic launcher. What Lutris does is allow you to launch individual games from the EGS client.

Support for is planned for a future release, with Ubisoft Connect, and Origin.

Last edited by strycore on 7 September 2021 at 1:50 pm UTC
dubigrasu Sep 7, 2021
The Epic Games section shows nothing though. The login went OK, I did a reload, but still nothing.
The other sections (Humble, GOG/etc) are OK, the games are showing.
In console I get:
Failed to load EGS library: 'access_token'
EGS is not installed in Lutris

Do I need to manually install EGS in order to activate the Epic section?

Last edited by dubigrasu on 7 September 2021 at 2:20 pm UTC
Corben Sep 7, 2021
Quoting: strycoreNo, this is a way to integrate with the EGS client itself and does not replace it. You can have a fully native EGS replacement with the Heroic launcher. What Lutris does is allow you to launch individual games from the EGS client.
Oh, right on, thanks for clarifying! Well, so far my experience with the EGS through Lutris had been better than with Heroic, so it's totally fine for me as it works really well.

Quoting: strycoreSupport for is planned for a future release, with Ubisoft Connect, and Origin.
Quoting: strycore
Quoting: CorbenNice! Removes the necessity to have the EGS installed via Lutris then.

As Lutris is meant the be the gamelauncher, is it planned to have integrated as well? Or is that already in and I am blind?

No, this is a way to integrate with the EGS client itself and does not replace it. You can have a fully native EGS replacement with the Heroic launcher. What Lutris does is allow you to launch individual games from the EGS client.

Support for is planned for a future release, with Ubisoft Connect, and Origin.

Cool! Where can i send monys?
strycore Sep 7, 2021
Quoting: Perkeleen_VittupääCool! Where can i send monys?

You can support us on Patreon or with Paypal donations:
Thanks in advance! ^^
strycore Sep 7, 2021
Quoting: dubigrasuThe Epic Games section shows nothing though. The login went OK, I did a reload, but still nothing.
The other sections (Humble, GOG/etc) are OK, the games are showing.
In console I get:
Failed to load EGS library: 'access_token'
EGS is not installed in Lutris

Do I need to manually install EGS in order to activate the Epic section?

You'll need an EGS install to run games but the login process and getting the library in lutris shouldn't require it.
Still looks like you're having an issue with the EGS token that is unrelated to the client itself.
slaapliedje Sep 7, 2021
I am genuinely curious what running Steam for Windows brings us? Wine on top of wine kind of? Anyone know of any examples these days where it works better than Native Steam + Proton?

Ha, Epic can go screw as far as I'm concerned. But I understand sometimes people want the free games.
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