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Last month, PlayStation 3 emulator RPCS3 became the first emulator to implement AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) and there's a new showcase video to show it off.

The developers of RPCS3 explain what to expect:

FSR allows users to have better visuals at a similar level of performance, which is incredible for users with low-end graphics cards that struggled with using Internal Resolution Scaling. The few games which don't work with Internal Resolution Scaling can also utilize FSR without any issues, which is a huge improvement over playing at a native 720p resolution.

Even users with high-end graphics cards will see a lot of usage out of this as games which have a high RSX (PS3 GPU) load can lower frame-rates when scaling up to 4k. With FSR, you can use an internal Resolution Scaling value of 1440p, and then upscale to 4K with FSR. Visuals still look amazing, and frame rates will be higher.

Feast your eyes on their official video below:

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Nice to see the power of open source at work here. Thanks to many different contributors working on RPCS3 it's really come along nicely. Also thanks to AMD creating FSR and making it open source too.

You can download the emulator from the RPCS3 website.

If you missed it we also recently wrote about an update for the PlayStation 4 emulator Spine. It's not the only one in progress, as the original founder of RPCS3 is currently working on RPCS4 which the team gave a small preview of on Twitter.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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scaine Sep 22, 2021
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Some of the distant scenes are unnecessarily sharpened with FSR, but the closer models look incredible. Loving FSR - I play most games at 1080p now and they're just seamlessly upscaled to 4K and while I won't get the same crispness as playing at 4K, I'm guaranteed 60fps, even on complex titles/scenes.
dpanter Sep 22, 2021
The sharpening is from FSR's second pass, Robust Contrast Adaptive Sharpening (RCAS) which is configurable to your personal preference. Gotta find that sweet spot!

FSR's first pass is of course Edge-Adaptive Spatial Upsampling (EASU).
Purple Library Guy Sep 22, 2021
Quoting: dpanterFSR's first pass is of course Edge-Adaptive Spatial Upsampling (EASU).
Oh, of course! Yes, I totally knew that all along. And what it means, too.

Last edited by Purple Library Guy on 22 September 2021 at 4:33 pm UTC
jarhead_h Sep 22, 2021
Sweet. I've got a secondhand 5600XT in the mail to replace my gtx1060-6gb. Now all I need is a new monitor, say something in 4K that does 1440p well. And a 5800x or 59000x. And a NAS with 10TB storage. I need a lot of things.
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