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Take down a resurrected Maggie Thatcher in this upcoming Doom II campaign

By - | Views: 31,820

Yes that's right, Maggie Thatcher has somehow escaped from Hell in Thatcher's Techbase, a new Doom II campaign that has been announced that will be free to grab on September 24.

Developed by 3D: Doom Daddy Digital this will be a very British take on the whole Doom thing that I can't wait to jump into with a cuppa. Might need a few biscuits too as apparently the UK is the 10th circle of Hell - well it's not wrong. It will be provided as a standard WAD file so it will be playable across any system that can play it. The developer mentioned compatibility with PRBoom, DSDA-Doom, ZDoom and GZDoom.

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The trailer mentions it will have support for five difficult levels, co-op and deathmatch support, gamepad support and an original soundtrack too.

It will need a copy of DOOM II which you can get from GOG and Steam.

Learn more on the official site.

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Tags: FPS, Mod, Retro, Upcoming
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AzP Sep 17, 2021
I guess all politicians end up in hell...
fnordianslip Sep 17, 2021
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Made me want to listen to Attila The Stockbroker again!

Last edited by fnordianslip on 17 September 2021 at 11:08 am UTC
robvv Sep 17, 2021
Now, if it had been Corbyn's Techbase then I'd be there ;-)
whizse Sep 17, 2021
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Nah, much too scary! What if I fail?
WorMzy Sep 17, 2021
Quoting: AzPI guess all politicians end up in hell...

We can only hope!
Geppeto35 Sep 17, 2021
Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead.
Quoting: AzPI guess all politicians end up in hell...
yes, but some more than others. If any, Thatcher, Stalin, Hitler, Pinochet, etc. are on the top list.
Quoting: robvvNow, if it had been Corbyn's Techbase then I'd be there ;-)
I wasn't aware that Corbyn ruled and has done concrete harm by his political decisions? But I'm not from UK :)

To go back to the subject, amazing the longevity of all these DoomII revivals. I would mean that 1994 was a singularity year in video game?
For me, it was more 1996 with Civilization II, 1997/1998 with Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven, Diablo and Fallout. And 1999 for multiplayer game (FPS were boring before) with Unreal Tournament.
No a fan of DoomII
Geppeto35 Sep 17, 2021
Quoting: elisto

QuoteShe and Reagan have probably already privatized hell at this point, and everything starting to go haywire
Bumadar Sep 17, 2021
Quoting: Geppeto35yes, but some more than others. If any, Thatcher, Stalin, Hitler, Pinochet, etc. are on the top list.

Am not British or anything, but putting thatcher in that list seems a bit extreme?
elisto Sep 17, 2021
Quoting: BumadarAm not British or anything, but putting thatcher in that list seems a bit extreme?
Yeah! send her to SUPER-HELL
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