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Busy time in Dota 2 land for Valve with a major update just being shipped for the free to play MOBA, with Marci hopping over from the anime to the game. Plus a new trailer for season 2 of DOTA: Dragon's Blood.

Arriving in Dota 2 update 7.30e, "Proving that undying loyalty yields unrivaled power, Marci always marches into battle ready to raise fists in defense of her companions. Effortlessly flinging friends and foes around the battlefield, she happily bounds into any brawl, able to grant allies a deadly edge and unleash a hidden power strong enough to make even gods reconsider the wisdom of a hostile path." reads the update page. You can see Marci's Dota 2 trailer below:

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What abilities does Marci have? See below:

Marci grabs an allied or enemy target and throws it effortlessly behind her, damaging and stunning the unit if it's an enemy. Any enemy units in the landing area will also be damaged and stunned.

Vector targeted. Marci bounds to the targeted unit, choosing a direction and distance she will spring away from it. Upon reaching the unit, Marci lunges to her final destination, damaging and slowing enemies in the area.

If the unit she runs to is an ally, it receives 35.0% bonus movement speed for 5.0s.

Marci's loyalty helps ensure survival, imbuing a chosen allied hero and herself with lifesteal and attack damage.

Marci taps a hidden power, gaining Fury charges that allow her to deliver a rapid sequence of strikes. The last strike in every Fury combo creates a damaging pulse around the target that slows movement and attack speed for 2.0s. In between Fury combos, Marci is unable to attack for 1.5s.

Marci receives a basic dispel when Unleash is cast and gains 15% movement speed.

Check out the Marci update page for all the info, plus see the dedicated Marci hero page.

You can play Dota 2 free on Steam.

For anime fans, check out the new trailer for DOTA: Dragon’s Blood Book Two coming in January 2022:

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Have to admit, I did really enjoy season 1.

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Tags: Free Game, MOBA, Steam, Update, Valve | Apps: Dota 2
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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kalin Oct 30, 2021
Dead game
kit89 Oct 30, 2021
Marci was great in the TV series, and I look forward to trying her out in game.
Naib Oct 30, 2021
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good to see S2 is on its way, the kids love it.

The only problem with new hero introduction is everyone spam-picks them and well ... ruins games :)
Give it a few weeks. From what I have seen she has crazy burst damage
kalin Oct 31, 2021
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: kalinDead game

It is the second most played game on Steam, with nearly as many players as CS:GO. So it's definitely not dead. But I stopped playing it, because the old version was much better in my opinion: The new design team isn't as good as the old one, so the game always gets worse, which is really sad to see.

Believe me that game is on dying road. Many people get frustrated with the game. There is a lot of problems with matchmaking, bugs, lack of proper content other then cosmetics and so on. The game is big it can't fail in instance. It will fail the same way that team fortress did for the same reason. Valve incompetence
Xetal Nov 1, 2021
I'm already looking forward to the new season.
I think I'll have to try Marci in Dota 2.

Last edited by Xetal on 1 November 2021 at 3:41 pm UTC
kalin Nov 1, 2021
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: kalinIt will fail the same way that team fortress did for the same reason. Valve incompetence
Don't say it failed just because you don't like it. There are still people playing it to this day

I don't like the valve's path of CS GO too (as I used to play 1.6) but they achieved massive success reviving the title without monetising the gameplay. CS:S was a failure (except for modding scene) and I thought non-competitive players just won't play this 5v5 format.

And here is the fun part :). Most of those accounts are bots
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