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Massive circuit-building game Logic World hits Early Access on October 22

By - | Views: 12,987

After repeated delays it seems Mouse Hat Games have finally settled on an actual release date for Logic World. What was once called TUNG - The Ultimate Nerd Game, shall hit Early Access on October 22.

The idea is that you're given this huge blank open world and you're given the freedom to build whatever you want - with circuits. All in 3D and first-person, so you can run right through your creations. The sky is the limit here with your imagination as you build increasingly complex machines. Check out the new trailer:

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  • Digital Logic - Logic World is a simulation of digital circuits, running on the same principles as real world computer chips.
  • Performance - Build massive circuits and simulate them at thousands of updates per second, all without lag.
  • Building - Advanced building mechanics help you quickly move a design from your brain into the game world.
  • Multiplayer - Logic World is built from the ground up for collaborative multiplayer. The game comes with standalone self-hostable server software so you can build, invent, and learn with your friends.

From what we've been told the Linux support is working very nicely.

You can follow Logic World on and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Iamsodarncool Oct 10, 2021
Lead developer here! Lol, I have a draft email to you about the release, but you went ahead and wrote an article before I could even send the email!

Just to confirm: Linux is a priority for us. More than half of our beta testers test on Linux.

Thanks for the article. I'm very excited about the release. "After repeated delays" indeed. If folks have any questions about Logic World just let me know :D
Ehvis Oct 10, 2021
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Very much looking forward to this one!

Don't actually have time for it, so something else will have to suffer :)
no_information_here Oct 11, 2021
Quoting: IamsodarncoolI'm very excited about the release.

Looks very cool. I love games that push the boundaries of how we think about the world. I would have never thought about building logic circuits in 3D. I hope people find lots of creative and surprising ways to use the game.
cbstryker Oct 11, 2021
This looks amazing. Getting some Three Body Problem vibes from the trailer, lol.
Iamsodarncool Oct 11, 2021
Quoting: cbstrykerThis looks amazing. Getting some Three Body Problem vibes from the trailer, lol.

Haha, my mom keeps telling me to read that book, maybe I finally should!
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