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First-person shooter RPG 'Beyond Sunset' looks awesome in the new trailer

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With a graphical style inspired by classic DOS games, Beyond Sunset is probably one of the absolute most promising looking retro shooters coming.

"SUNSET CITY, CALIFORNIA - 20XX: You've been awakened from cryostasis. Your name, your identity, your memories… All lost in the confusing fog of hypersleep. Not only a stranger in a strange place, you begin to manifest powerful abilities. Lightning-fast reactions. Innate combat skills. Near-supernatural agility. You’re not like everyone else.

Your talents are quickly recognized. A mysterious woman named Yuri makes you an offer you can’t refuse. In exchange for putting your talents to use as a street samurai, she will use her resources to discover your identity and restore your lost memories. She welcomes you to a community of other extraordinary individuals who share your unique abilities, and are united by a common cause."

In development with a release planned for 2023, which the developer previously confirmed for Linux too, it's recently gained a new Story Trailer.

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  • Lo-Fi aesthetic: Graphics inspired by classic DOS first-person shooters from the era of Doom and Duke Nukem 3D.
  • Fluid movement: High-octane first person action with advanced movement for dashing, sliding and other acrobatics.
  • RPG Elements: Interact with NPCs, learn the lore of Sunset City, take side missions and upgrade your abilities.
  • Music: Hear an original vaporwave soundtrack composed by synthwave legend Karl Vincent.
  • Mod support: Create and share your own levels, weapons and more with richly-featured free and open-source tools.

Looks awesome. Gimme!

The developer has announced that they're launching a Patreon campaign next month, so they can pull in funds to continue developing it.

You can follow it on and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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pb Nov 17, 2021
Not sure about the game, but the trailer music is great!
Drakker Nov 17, 2021
That, and Selaco, two amazing looking retro-shooters. Can't wait to play them!
jarhead_h Nov 18, 2021
Awesome. This and Selaco look like they are going to be great. And great on my new 43in 4K monitor(and will be the only games I can get a playable framerate on with a 5600XT).
Samsai Nov 18, 2021
I'll have this one too. Gotta love all of these things coming out.
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