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This new mod puts Jazz Jackrabbit in the Doom engine

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Jazz Jackrabbit and Doom together? Can't say I ever expected that but Doom engine modders constantly surprise me. Jazz Jackrabbit Doom - Episode 1 is out now.

"Jazz Jackrabbit is at it again to rescue his love, Eva Earlong, from his nemesis Devan Shell and his goons. It's up to you to finally end this chase once and for all. Episode 1: Rabbit Rescue follows Jazz, as he starts his journey to save his family and take down Devan once and for all. Taking you through Carrotus, Diamondus, Tubelectric, Medivo, Letni, Technoir and Orbitus, with some hidden maps for the keen-eyed ones."

Check out the trailer:

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What ever will they come up with next?

The developer mentions it works well with GZDoom 3.7.2 - 4.3.3 and LZDoom 3.85, with it needing the IWAD from Doom 2. You will also want to ensure jumping, crouching and free look are enabled. There's 9 maps, 2 bonus maps and 2 secret stages to find.

Download free from Mod DB.

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Tags: FPS, Mod, Platformer
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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RTheren Nov 15, 2021
Now that's a combination I would never think would be possible...

Will give this a go for sure.
whizse Nov 15, 2021
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People used to port Doom to every inconceivable piece of hardware.

I guess people ran out of hardware and now try to implement every inconceivable game genre in Doom?
denyasis Nov 15, 2021
Quoting: whizsePeople used to port Doom to every inconceivable piece of hardware.

I guess people ran out of hardware and now try to implement every inconceivable game genre in Doom?

Can't wait for Dune Doom!
rea987 Nov 16, 2021
Holy shit!
MayeulC Nov 16, 2021
I like that the doom engine is kind of like a generic virtual machine now. Is it turing-complete? No need for Webassembly!

Quoteneeding the IWAD from Doom 2

Missed opportunity for a clean sheet design, not depending on existing games :)
axredneck Nov 16, 2021
Quoting: denyasis
Quoting: whizsePeople used to port Doom to every inconceivable piece of hardware.

I guess people ran out of hardware and now try to implement every inconceivable game genre in Doom?

Can't wait for Dune Doom!
Anza Nov 16, 2021
Quoting: RTherenNow that's a combination I would never think would be possible...

Will give this a go for sure.

Quoting: whizsePeople used to port Doom to every inconceivable piece of hardware.

I guess people ran out of hardware and now try to implement every inconceivable game genre in Doom?

There's already Sonic doom, so this one is not the first platformer that uses Doom engine. Sonic is using modified Doom engine though, so there's that.

PS: there's also gameplay videos, this is the first one I found: (there's one or two swearwords, just in case if somebody cares). In short, it's a fun mod.
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