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You'll be able to save the bees together online in APICO

By - | Views: 9,940

APICO is an upcoming casual wholesome game about saving the bees, breeding them and building up your own beekeeping dream and the developer recently revealed online multiplayer support.

Being able to play with friends is something that was asked for a lot, plus their publisher Whitethorn Digital mentioned it to them too and that they would support the developer fully on adding it in. So, after some time, they did just that. Sounds like it will be available right at release too sometime in Q1 2022.

Check out the new video:

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Game Features:

  • Live out your wildest beekeeping fantasies – sting free!
  • Unique crafting & beekeeping minigames that drive gameplay progression
  • Cross-breed different bees to discover over 30 new species
  • Make and sell honey, mead, and other beekeeping products
  • Repopulate lost species and release them back into the wild
  • Multiple biomes to explore, each with their own unique bee species
  • Uncover the forgotten secrets of the APICO islands

You can try out a demo on Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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