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Valve has announced today that BattlEye support on Linux with Steam Play Proton has expanded, with new titles available.

As previously announced, currently all developers need to do to make it work is to email BattlEye. That's it. However, developers will still of course want time to test, so it's not exactly an instant thing. Still, it's fantastic progress and now even more games can be enjoyed.

The current list of support titles has expanded and is now:

  • Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
  • ARK: Survival Evolved
  • Arma 3
  • DayZ (avoid the launcher, use the second option Steam gives)
    • DayZ also needs a higher max_map_count, you can up it temporarily by doing:
      ​sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=1048576
      And permanently:
      echo 'vm.max_map_count=1048576' | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/vm.max_map_count.conf
  • Unturned
  • Planetside 2 (use "--disable-gpu" as a launch option, otherwise launcher is blank)

Hopefully by the time the Linux-powered handheld Steam Deck starts shipping in February 2022, that list will expand. I'm still personally hopeful we can see the likes of PUBG working.

You should no longer need Proton Experimental either, since Proton 6.3-8 released back in late November pulled in the BattlEye support.

In related news, Proton Experimental itself was also upgraded recently making Final Fantasy XIV playable, there's a fix for Marvel's Avengers showing prompt about outdated drivers on launch, a fix for eFootball PES 2021 and 2022 crashing on launch, a fix for audio in Mass Effect 1 from Mass Effect Legendary Edition and also improved compatibility with binary Nvidia drivers.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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TheDantee Dec 3, 2021
DayZ is a First!
mrazster Dec 3, 2021
Well...the old 90's hit from Envogue comes to mind:

-”Free your miiind, and the rest will follow !

Last edited by mrazster on 3 December 2021 at 8:18 pm UTC
Nasra Dec 3, 2021
Quoting: GuestI remember people commentating Arma 3 was playable, nice to see official support :). I am sure we'll see more soon, although I do wonder if some devs will leave it until Steam Deck users start yelling at them.

Bohemia had developed a Linux Beta for ARMA3.
Eike Dec 3, 2021
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Quoting: Guest
Quoting: Nasra
Quoting: GuestI remember people commentating Arma 3 was playable, nice to see official support :). I am sure we'll see more soon, although I do wonder if some devs will leave it until Steam Deck users start yelling at them.

Bohemia had developed a Linux Beta for ARMA3.

Actually, I was very very well aware of that :). Do I have to write out an entire essay on these places to cover every angle in the hopes someone doesn't pick on some little bit? Even if doing so half the people will reply anyway...

You shouldn't feel offended by replies adding some information.
Brisse Dec 3, 2021
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: Nasra
Quoting: GuestI remember people commentating Arma 3 was playable, nice to see official support :). I am sure we'll see more soon, although I do wonder if some devs will leave it until Steam Deck users start yelling at them.

Bohemia had developed a Linux Beta for ARMA3.

Actually, I was very very well aware of that :). Do I have to write out an entire essay on these places to cover every angle in the hopes someone doesn't pick on some little bit? Even if doing so half the people will reply anyway...

Lol, but it's actually true that it worked with Proton too, at least for some people. First time I tried it didn't work even though others had already gotten it up and running, but as new Proton releases came out it eventually started working. However, up until now there was no BattleEye-support so it was limited to singleplayer. Yes, you could probably play multiplayer with friends if you set up your own server without anti-cheat enabled, but pretty much any public server is BattleEye-enabled and would kick you out the moment you joined. Hopefully that is no longer the case. Personally I've mostly lost interest in the game by now (Steam says 1452 hours played which is pretty disgusting now that I think about it) so I don't even know if I'll bother trying.
Seegras Dec 3, 2021
That latest proton upgrade lead to 30 more titles running out of my 152 that weren't running with proton before. It's now down to 121 (out of my 1915 games or thereabouts that aren't Linux-native).

I might be able to get some of these 121 to run (11 of them want Windows Live, so xliveless would help), I just didn't bother yet.
GeoGalvanic Dec 3, 2021
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Quoting: Seegras(out of my 1915 games or thereabouts that aren't Linux-native).


I can't even begin to imagine testing out that many games, especially re-testing every new release of proton
lectrode Dec 3, 2021
Quoting: NasraBohemia had developed a Linux Beta for ARMA3.

It's unfortunate that the native port has been experimental for the last 5 years and is unlikely to see an official release. Not to mention the infrequent version parity updates which make the native version unplayable with ppl on windows unless they downgrade their clients.

Very glad that with proton that is no longer a sticking point for being able to play this game on linux - any updates to the windows version will be immediately (or nearly immediately) available to linux users.

Considering that the linux port experiences "up to 30% degraded performance in comparison to the Windows version", running it through proton probably has better performance anyway. Very glad they officially support it through proton.

Last edited by lectrode on 3 December 2021 at 11:41 pm UTC
Seegras Dec 3, 2021
Quoting: GeoGalvanicI can't even begin to imagine testing out that many games, especially re-testing every new release of proton

I don't. Well, I did, but I don't retest.

It's more like, when I have a new game, I try to run it, if it doesn't I categorize it as "CrashesOnProton" and try later. Nowadays I usually check first before I buy, but sometimes I buy bundles from HumbleBundle, and then this happens. I also submitted a lot to protondb.

Also, I did some work with wine, so I was actually specifically interested to have some windows games for testing. it's completely behind master now, and the stuff I worked on would need to be totally reworked, as wine has completely changed the way internal dlls are supposed to work. It's this code, by the way: (the wine project didn't want it in main ... thinking of it, maybe proton would like it, especially since GWFL is discontinued now?).
Purple Library Guy Dec 3, 2021
Quoting: SeegrasThat latest proton upgrade lead to 30 more titles running out of my 152 that weren't running with proton before. It's now down to 121 (out of my 1915 games or thereabouts that aren't Linux-native).

I might be able to get some of these 121 to run (11 of them want Windows Live, so xliveless would help), I just didn't bother yet.
That's almost 94% working, on a pretty big sample. That's pretty sweet, really getting into the kind of territory where people might not be getting upset with the Steam Deck for refusing to play things. And there's still a couple months of Proton improvement until launch.
Of course I don't know how many required fiddling to get working.

Last edited by Purple Library Guy on 3 December 2021 at 11:28 pm UTC
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