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Do you like visual-novel styled narrative adventures? Where Birds Go to Sleep looks like one to keep an eye on that will be releasing with Linux support. A narrative adventure set in a fictional Near East-inspired land, with an art style that looks like a bunch of classical paintings brought to life by voice-acting and an original musical score to go along with it.

"Slip into the subconscious of Cormo, a churlish smuggler-turned-explorer, only ever influencing his actions, never directly assuming control. You will mould him through every sentence you put in his mind… but you might not like what he becomes.

Confront him about controversial topics like sexuality, prejudice and morality, and change his mind… or have him change yours."

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The developer mentioned that if you're interested in future Linux play-testing, game development and design related discussion you can join their Discord.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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PublicNuisance Dec 8, 2021
They say "Unless we run into major platofmr-specific issues, we would like to release a Linux version in parallel to the Windows version on Steam.", I have to wonder what engine they use to worry about that. I get a Unity vibe from this game. Not to try to force developer's hands but if they're making a visual novel game then Ren'Py would almost guarantee no Linux issues as the engine has fantastic Linux support.
Purple Library Guy Dec 8, 2021
Looks like it could be impressive, but kinda depressing.
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