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Action-packed 'combat-puzzle' roguelite Red Tether is out now

By - | Views: 11,353

It's actually called ---Red---Tether--> but that would look a bit odd in the headline. A new release from indie dev Sleeper Games, it's a thoroughly unique looking shoot 'em up with pretty fun looking gameplay.

With the help of a tether harpoon, you will take down large space fleets using an indirect combat system. Instead of firing off your phasers, you'll be hoping your harpoon is well placed to help you tear ships apart and throw them around the screen. Or, simply smash your ship into another because why not? Sounds like a blast. Check out the trailer:

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  • Experience fresh "combat-puzzle" gameplay that requires split-second tactical decisions amid fast paced action.
  • Learn to counter various fleet elements, including attack ships, support crafts and logistic units.
  • Fight through 50+ pre-made waves, or face randomly generated fleets in endless mode.
  • Clash with 16+ massive boss enemies and turn them into screen-filling explosions.
  • Dodge clearly telegraphed enemy attacks and potentially turn them against your opponents.
  • Avoid or exploit various hazards like fuel spills, electrified hulls or coolant clouds.
  • Unlock 6+ player ships that offer distinct playstyles, advantages and challenges.
  • Improve your craft with 70+ stackable ship and tether upgrades.
  • Discover 10+ star system zones and the new enemies they throw at you.
  • Piece together the games lore by finding black boxes among all the ship-debris.
  • Late game challenge modes.
  • Basic controller support and assist options.

Available on itch.io and Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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mark348 Jan 19, 2022
Art is somewhat unique.
Ehvis Jan 19, 2022
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Quoting: mark348Art is somewhat unique.

That it is, but I'm not sure my eyes are liking it very much.
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