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Classic open source platformer SuperTux is coming to Steam

By - | Views: 12,629

One we don't cover or hear about too often is SuperTux, a free and open source platformer that's been around for some time now and it's getting a Steam release.

"Run and jump through SuperTux, the sidescrolling 2D platformer starring Tux, the Linux mascot. Squish and knock out enemies, collect powerups, and solve platforming puzzles throughout the Icy Island and the Rooted Forest, as Tux tries to save his beloved Penny from her kidnapper, Nolok!"

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Game Features:

  • Platforming gameplay similar to original Super Mario games, with some unique abilities such as backflipping and dynamic swimming
  • Lovingly hand-crafted graphics contributed by a variety of artists, alongside engaging and catchy music
  • Engaging levels designed with casual gameplay, puzzling and speedrunning in mind
  • Weird, quirky and some not-so-adorable enemies that might be too cute to kill
  • Two full worlds packed with unique and challenging levels, castles, and boss fights
  • Other contrib levels, including seasonal worlds, storyless bonus islands, and downloadable Add-ons, which feature new and unique stories and levels
  • Simple, flexible Level Editor, which allows for the creation and sharing of levels of any complexity

Follow on Steam or grab it from the official site / Flathub.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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MayeulC Jan 4, 2022
Super cool!

I've played so much of that one with my brother as kids, I have fond memories of it. More exposure and people able to play is always a good thing.

I'd be willing to buy it, but given that this game appeals to children, it should be made available for free on Steam IMO.

Next on my wishlist: SuperTuxKart on Steam! And minetest once it gets client-side mods. That one could compete with garry's mod.
buckysrevenge Jan 4, 2022
Quoting: MayeulCI'd be willing to buy it, but given that this game appeals to children, it should be made available for free on Steam IMO.
Looks like it's also on itch, so you can always pay what you want!
PublicNuisance Jan 4, 2022
Super Tux also runs on my RockPro64 so kudos to them for having ARM support. If one wishes to donate to the project they can do so through their Paypal or using Crypto.
elmapul Jan 4, 2022
didnt new super mario bros ds had this already?
crse Jan 4, 2022
Quoting: MayeulCI'd be willing to buy it, but given that this game appeals to children, it should be made available for free on Steam IMO.

From the Steam page:

QuoteWill the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
“SuperTux is 100% free and will always be. The Steam version won't be an exception.”
elmapul Jan 4, 2022
i played this a couple times in the past.
i dont know how it evolved since then, but it had a couple of issues to fix.

bug 0 of any game: the game isnt fun.
they need some quality control on the offical levels, curate every part of every level for maximum fun, replayability and having an proper learning curve with the harder levels later on the game, also the basic gameplay of walk/jump needed improvment as fair as i remember.

bug 1 (ok its not really 1, but i dont follow their issue tracker) some graphical glitches.
im not sure if it was their fault, or ubuntu fault (or my mistake of not using an LTS back then)

bug 2: the patern/tiles repeating is anoying to the eyes.

that said, i dont remember where was the level editor, and if it was easy to find/use.

i hope windows users dont create content for it exclusive for windows (eg: new powerups using some physics library only avaliable for windows, or an new/better level editor since it wont violate the game licence even if its not GPL)

Last edited by elmapul on 4 January 2022 at 7:32 pm UTC
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