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KDE finally gets root operations in Dolphin, big 2022 plans for Wayland

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KDE developer Nate Graham continues blogging about how KDE and Plasma are evolving and there's been some great improvements recently, along with some huge plans for 2022.

Making things easier for users is important and the KDE team are clearly taking on a lot of feedback. A major new feature is that Dolphin, and anything that hooks into KIO, can now create, move, copy, trash, and delete files in non-user-owned locations. Instead of just giving you a warning and not letting you do anything, it should now ask for a password and let you do what you need to without resorting to a terminal window. Nice. This change should land in KDE Frameworks 5.91.

Wayland improvements also came in recently like supporting greater than 8-bit colour, the ability to open the current directory or any other folder you right-click on in any app, not just the file manager with Konsole.

As for their 2022 plans, which aren't set in stone, more of a guide - there's a lot!

One of the big things for 2022 is to have Wayland at a stage for KDE where it can completely replace the X11 session. Another I'm particularly interested in is improvements to multi-monitor support, modernizing Breeze icons and a big focus on what they're calling the "15 minute bug" initiative - to clean up issues that appear within the first 15 minutes of loading into Plasma.

Sounds like KDE and Plasma are going places in 2022. This is going to be good news for the Steam Deck too, since the desktop session uses Plasma.

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Fredrik Jan 5, 2022
I wonder if that means hdr support is coming. And I also hope they will make wayland usable with nvidia cards too.
Jpxe Jan 5, 2022
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I hope they add support for having different virtual desktops on different monitors
fenglengshun Jan 5, 2022
Quoting: FredrikI wonder if that means hdr support is coming. And I also hope they will make wayland usable with nvidia cards too.

I'm pretty sure it's already useable with Nvidia, not long after Nvidia released GBM support? It could always be better, of course, but there's problem with Wayland and then there's problems with Nvidia.

Regardless, I'm looking forward, because IF they manage keep KWin's functions around, it'll be the closest we have to a proper replacement for many X11 tools that hasn't gotten its replacement yet, like wmctrl and xkill.

I've only tested it for a few minutes last time, but it got annoying switching between X11 and Wayland due to issues with monitor name and panel locations, so I'm looking forward to those multi-monitor focus. A bit disheartened to not see Baloo as the next thing to tackle though.
tamodolo Jan 5, 2022
Quoting: FredrikI wonder if that means hdr support is coming. And I also hope they will make wayland usable with nvidia cards too.

I think support for higher than 8bit color is needed before HDR. It's 2022 and I still can't output 10bit color space to my monitor...
CyborgZeta Jan 5, 2022
Can someone explain root access for Dolphin? When I needed to add udev rules for Steam in my EndeavourOS install, I had to put it in a folder in root, and I had to use the terminal to move it to said folder. Does this update mean I could drag-and-drop without needed the terminal?
Liam Dawe Jan 5, 2022
Quoting: CyborgZetaCan someone explain root access for Dolphin? When I needed to add udev rules for Steam in my EndeavourOS install, I had to put it in a folder in root, and I had to use the terminal to move it to said folder. Does this update mean I could drag-and-drop without needed the terminal?
Yes, it would ask for a password and then let you do it.
CyborgZeta Jan 5, 2022
Quoting: Liam Dawe
Quoting: CyborgZetaCan someone explain root access for Dolphin? When I needed to add udev rules for Steam in my EndeavourOS install, I had to put it in a folder in root, and I had to use the terminal to move it to said folder. Does this update mean I could drag-and-drop without needed the terminal?
Yes, it would ask for a password and then let you do it.
Thanks. That's way more convenient for me. I have no problem using the terminal, but when it comes to moving files around I'm very old-fashioned.
Floyd Jan 5, 2022
Quoting: FredrikI wonder if that means hdr support is coming. And I also hope they will make wayland usable with nvidia cards too.
Is whether or not Nvidia works well with Wayland not more of an Nvidia problem than a Wayland problem?
tuubi Jan 5, 2022
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Quoting: CyborgZeta
Quoting: Liam Dawe
Quoting: CyborgZetaCan someone explain root access for Dolphin? When I needed to add udev rules for Steam in my EndeavourOS install, I had to put it in a folder in root, and I had to use the terminal to move it to said folder. Does this update mean I could drag-and-drop without needed the terminal?
Yes, it would ask for a password and then let you do it.
Thanks. That's way more convenient for me. I have no problem using the terminal, but when it comes to moving files around I'm very old-fashioned.
Not that old fashioned if you prefer to use one of these newfangled graphical file manager thingamajigs.
SilverCode Jan 5, 2022
Quoting: fenglengshunI'm pretty sure it's already useable with Nvidia, not long after Nvidia released GBM support? It could always be better, of course, but there's problem with Wayland and then there's problems with Nvidia
Last I looked into it there was still a problem with qt5-wayland and GBM, which in turn makes using KDE+Wayland+NVidia an unpleasant experience. It is a Qt5 problem though that the KDE devs are waiting to be fixed upstream.
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