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Today Paradox Interactive and Double Eleven have done a surprise launch of the Prison Architect: Perfect Storm expansion. Plus, as always for Paradox, there's a free update out now too called The Tower. So not only do you have to worry about what the inmates have smuggled around but you now also need to look to the skies. No one wants to sit in a freezing cold cell, or have wild rats running across their feet.

“The calamities in Perfect Storm challenge players to solve problems in creative ways, often requiring them to think ahead when constructing their compound. We’ve worked hard to respectfully present calamities as fun challenges players can overcome using Prison Architect’s signature management gameplay,” says Gaz Wright, Game Director on Prison Architect at Double Eleven. “Like our past expansions, the calamities are inspired by popular prison fiction seen in shows and films. It’s great if players start thinking about these issues more critically and how they could be solved in the real world.”

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DLC Features:

  • Riot Before the Storm - “Calamities,” like Deep Freezes, Heatwaves, Rat Infestations, and Lightning Storms can cause structural damage, lower prison ratings, and wreak havoc in the compound.
  • Come Cell or High Water - Pest Control, Plumbers, Repairmen, and Road Maintenance Emergency Services are available for immediate relief from calamities. Electrician, Cold Control, Fire Safety, First Aid Training, and Pest Removal Training allow staff to mitigate damage and keep things running smoothly.
  • Granted Refuge - Grants for Disaster Relief, Heatwaves, Emergency Protocol, Subsidence, Advanced Staff Training and Utility Retrofit Grant fund much-needed preparations to help ride out Calamities.
  • Raining Rats and Dogs - Check current and forecasted weather conditions, and use weather prediction objects, to stay apprised of any impending disasters.

Some of what's in the free update include:

  • Extended Visitation - Visitation sessions will last much longer
  • New Foliage - Five new pieces of foliage to add to the grounds of your prison
  • New Floor Types - Three new floor types to add to your grounds
  • New Door Types - Coloured staff doors
  • New Windows - Wooden and stained glass windows
  • Additional Furniture - Sofa, Luxury Desk, Wooden and Swivel Chairs
  • New Search Dogs - Two new search dogs rated as 'very good dogs'
  • New Mutator - Doggie Doo! - Search dogs will contribute to the poor hygiene of the prison
  • Misc Improvements & Community Requests
    • Radiators added to Utilities
    • Non Lethal Sniper Policy - Snipers fire rubber bullets that can knock inmates unconscious, but don't kill

You can buy Prison Architect from GOG, Humble Store and Steam.

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