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The RetroArch frontend application for emulators, game engines and media players has a new release up and there's plenty of great sounding improvements for Linux users. This should make it play even better with the Steam Deck!

Netplay was a particular focus for RetroArch 1.10.0. Their relay system to help players connect together is now online, along with some improvements like adding custom relay server support. uPnP support also had a "complete overhaul".

Specifically for Linux there's a couple of Wayland improvements like ignoring mouse clicks on window decoration and scroll wheel support. There's now support for libdecor for client-side decorations, a fix for window closing, the window title correctly updates on Wayland and more minor fixes.

A couple of Vulkan API improvements came in too like: double combined image sampler descriptor pool size, fixing segfaults with AMD GPUs using RADV; emulate mailbox only with Vsync enabled, otherwise have it disabled which is useful for VRR/G-Sync/FreeSync and also Vulkan max swapchain images option adjustments: removed value 1, since it won’t be used – Video reinit on change, so that there is no need to restart or toggle fullscreen.

Plus, support for GameMode was added directly into the RetroArch UI.

The other major addition is HDR support but that's not currently for Linux, since we don't have HDR yet.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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dpanter Jan 24, 2022
Note that the integrated core downloader is not implemented in the Steam version. Cores are instead listed as free DLC so simply add them this way instead, the Steam version currently has 31 cores and the list is growing pretty fast. :)
elmapul Jan 24, 2022
retro arch updated while i was gaming on it (i think i have an snap version?) some features broke and i end up not being able to play at some point...

i hat to quit the game without saving then when i opened retro arch again, i figure out it got an new bug:
if i toggle fullscreen/window mode the gamepad stop working and i have to disconnect/reconnect it to work again...
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