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SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE fixes up Steam Deck support

By - | Views: 18,159

SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE had a small patch released today and it seems they're another developer hoping to see their game fully verified for the upcoming Steam Deck handheld from Valve.

This first-person shooter is built on the foundation of the original hit SUPERHOT, where time moves in slow motion until you make a move. It's a huge amount of fun and it's highly replayable thanks to it having basically more of everything. It seems like a game that would be great to have on the go.

In the small update release today the developer mentioned this:

• Steam Deck compatibility
• unified save names for PC - MAC/Linux
• bug fixes (including Infinite lvl 90 lock)

They didn't go into any detail, that's it. Still nice to see though. The unifying of save names is a big one actually for the Steam Deck, since the majority of PC gamers still use Windows. For people switching between Windows and a Steam Deck (Linux) - you want your saves to match. So let this be a reminder to other developers, keep your saves named the same.

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If you wish to pick up SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE it's available from the Humble Store, GOG and Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Eike Jan 25, 2022
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Quoteunified save names for PC - MAC/Linux

Yes please!

I mostly play on my Linux box, but sometimes also on my wife's Windows PC and my father-in-law's gaming box, so that's very handy.
gradyvuckovic Jan 25, 2022
Lovely seeing the Steam Deck acting as a great way to convince game devs to make all these little improvements that benefit Linux overall.
Beamboom Jan 25, 2022
I still can't get over the fact that they never made a follow-up to the VR version of Superhot. I saw that game being played everywhere when VR was demonstrated, surely they must have sold a solid number?!
Liam Dawe Jan 25, 2022
Quoting: BeamboomI still can't get over the fact that they never made a follow-up to the VR version of Superhot. I saw that game being played everywhere when VR was demonstrated, surely they must have sold a solid number?!
Looks like it sold quite well but it was dripped in controversy when they removed a few self-harm scenes. I imagine the backlash soured their enthusiasm for more.
const Jan 25, 2022
A Semi-VR Mode for steamdeck still seems kind of fun. Not sure I could play that for long, but I'd be so tempted :D
Nocifer Jan 25, 2022
QuoteFor people switching between Windows and a Steam Deck (Linux) - you want your saves to match. So let this be a reminder to other developers, keep your saves named the same.

Am I really the only one who thinks that no developer worthy of the title "developer" should ever make such a mistake? I mean, no offense to SUPERHOT's devs or the game itself as a whole, but... why did they ever do that in the first place? Even if it were not an issue for cloud syncing, IMHO just doing something like this reeks of sloppy development habits.

And again, I mean no offense, after all it's not like this kind of oversight spells the end of the world as we know it, and their game as a game is great; I'm just being pedantic(ish) for the sake of conversation.
ShabbyX Jan 26, 2022
Quoting: Eike
Quoteunified save names for PC - MAC/Linux

Yes please!

I mostly play on my Linux box, but sometimes also on my wife's Windows PC and my father-in-law's gaming box, so that's very handy.

Finally, the cool future has come when someone can play on their *father in-law's* gaming box!
Purple Library Guy Jan 26, 2022
Quoting: ShabbyX
Quoting: Eike
Quoteunified save names for PC - MAC/Linux

Yes please!

I mostly play on my Linux box, but sometimes also on my wife's Windows PC and my father-in-law's gaming box, so that's very handy.

Finally, the cool future has come when someone can play on their *father in-law's* gaming box!
Oh, that's it! Now I have to get my grandson or granddaughter to play a game on my computer.
ShabbyX Jan 26, 2022
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: ShabbyX
Quoting: Eike
Quoteunified save names for PC - MAC/Linux

Yes please!

I mostly play on my Linux box, but sometimes also on my wife's Windows PC and my father-in-law's gaming box, so that's very handy.

Finally, the cool future has come when someone can play on their *father in-law's* gaming box!
Oh, that's it! Now I have to get my grandson or granddaughter to play a game on my computer.


Also, if that means they will experience Linux now, by all means!
Eike Jan 26, 2022
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Quoting: Purple Library GuyOh, that's it! Now I have to get my grandson or granddaughter to play a game on my computer.

My father-in-law has BTDT.
By all means do it! :-)

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