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The 2012 strategy game Oil Rush from Unigine is now free

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Released all the way back in 2012, Oil Rush from Unigine is a naval strategy game and they've now decided to set it free by removing the price. Back at release, it was probably one of the most graphically demanding games available for Linux at the time, feels like it's part of our history at this point.

Why is it free now? Tomorrow, January 25, it's the tenth anniversary of the release. Writing about it the developers said: "It's been 10 years since the release of UNIGINE's first game. We want to pay tribute to the thing that showed the world not only what our product is capable of, but also became an evidence of our team’s abilities. Oil Rush made us acknowledge our potential, opened a lot of doors for us and showed us opportunities that we’ve been taking ever since.

A decade went by, we’re working on a new yet unannounced game, and it feels like there came the time to set Oil Rush free."

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The release and early builds were back in the day when Canonical were trying to build up the Ubuntu Software Center, with it having a pre-order available there. Not only that, it was also available on Desura, one of the original indie stores that had a native Linux client before being sold off multiple times and eventually shut down.

About the game:

Oil Rush is a naval strategy game that takes place in a world where nuclear war has melted the ice caps, changing the face of the planet forever. Oil Rush offers unique gameplay, avoiding micromanagement of every single unit, while still providing full control over all important aspects of strategy and economy.

Capture, upgrade, and defend floating production platforms and oil rigs. Discover new technologies and send squads of naval and air units into the battle!

Key Features:

  • State-of-the-art visuals powered by UNIGINE engine
  • Dynamic and fun gameplay – furious enemies, massive battles, rampant attacks!
  • 16 missions of single-player campaign, from the half-flooded jungles to northern seas
  • 15 maps for multiplayer battles, each with multiple winning strategies
  • Multiplayer over LAN and Internet

Find it free on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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BlackBloodRum Jan 24, 2022
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Free game?

rustybroomhandle Jan 24, 2022
I originally bought this on Desura. RIP
Arehandoro Jan 24, 2022
If they make it free, they could also make it open source.
Ardje Jan 24, 2022
Nice, I bought it in beta. The graphics were very good. Nice watery graphics on linux.
I assume it is still good, but I wonder if I need to use native drivers or better use proton, as proton seems to work a lot better than native opengl these days.
chelobaka Jan 24, 2022
Something to learn for companies like Bethesda.
drlamb Jan 24, 2022
I preordered this game directly from Unigine when I read about it coming out on Ubuntu Gamer. If that doesn't date me I'm not sure what will. How things have changed...
Iggi Jan 24, 2022
It's also worth mentioning that this is one of the few Linux games with native Stereo 3D support. Pre-Occulus that is, so you'll probably play this with anaglyph glasses, but maybe "3D Vision" support or the side-by-side view would also work when using an Nvidia Quadro card? (Has anybody tried this?)

In any case, even with just red-cyan glasses the world looks amazing - the graphics are beautiful anyway, but I adore the additional depth. Oh, and the game is fun, too
libgradev Jan 24, 2022
Purchased this direct back in the day - haven't played it in a very long time...
Cyril Jan 24, 2022
The game was available on their website DRM-free, but now that's free it seems you can only get it from Steam...
Anyone know or can confirm about this?
Purple Library Guy Jan 24, 2022
Watched the trailer. Whoa, creepy!
Makes me kind of imagine that somewhere out there, some group is staying out of all the fights, dragging up sand and stuff instead of oil, and noodling along with solar panels.
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