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Feral Interactive have no plans to update their Linux ports for Steam Deck

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Since we were asked a lot about this, we reached out to porting studio Feral Interactive to see if they had any plans to update their Linux ports for the Steam Deck.

Feral have ported a number of titles to Linux in the past including Alien Isolation, XCOM & XCOM 2, Total War: WARHAMMER I & II, Total War: THREE KINGDOMS, HITMAN, the Tomb Raider series, Life is Strange & Before the Storm & Life is Strange 2, Dirt Rally and the list goes on. They also have a port of Total War: WARHAMMER III upcoming in "Early Spring".

After waiting quite a while, they replied today with an official statement about Steam Deck support:

Our most recent Linux titles are officially supported on Ubuntu only, and we do not currently have any plans to update games for further compatibility with Steam Deck or its operating system, SteamOS 3.0. If players encounter issues with Feral's native Linux versions of games on Steam Deck, we recommend playing them via Proton.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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jrt Feb 21, 2022
If they don't support the biggest gaming focussed Linux install base they don't need to bother with ports at all imho.

I think they will focus more on mobile and console ports going forward.
BlackBloodRum Feb 21, 2022
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Sadly this was inevitable. Proton basically does their job for them and takes money and business away from them, it should be no surprise that now proton is so stable and advanced that porting studios like these guys don't try to port to Linux or update their ports as much anymore, after all, proton has already done it for them.

Big game studios won't want to contract them because "Why? Linux gamers can just use proton since it works, why do we need feral to do it?"

It's sad but it's true, whatever way it went proton was always going to hurt the small porting houses if it was successful.

But still, you must show them respect and gratitude for the work they did for the Linux community in the early days.

I do however believe they will find another way to make money or find a way where their services are still required.
DamonLinuxPL Feb 21, 2022
That was easy to predict. Proton took Feral's business. Why should they update the ports for Steam Deck, since the feral ports have not been even selected as compatible with SteamDeck, but only the Proton versions.
As far as I know, all Feral games that lack Windows multiplayer have not been included in compatibility.
ShabbyX Feb 21, 2022
Feral is not Feral anymore.
Raaben Feb 21, 2022
Isn't this not really up to them but rather the publishers/studios they had contracts with?
jens Feb 21, 2022
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Completely understandable.
rustybroomhandle Feb 21, 2022
Quoting: GuestKind of not sure what people are expecting Feral to update? The whole point of the Steam Deck is that it doesn't need games to be built specifically for it. Nobody is expecting all their Windows titles to be updated to target this one particular hardware device, so not sure why Feral is being singled out here.

Many Windows-only games are being updated for Steam Deck. Controller support, correct controller glyphs, readable text, support for the quick suspend mode, on-screen keyboard support.

That said, I don't think Feral is really making any money off Linux any more. I'm not even sure it's worth running ported games any more if they're just going to drop support anyway.

Last edited by rustybroomhandle on 21 February 2022 at 5:12 pm UTC
Raaben Feb 21, 2022
Quoting: rustybroomhandleI'm not even sure it's worth running ported games any more if they're just going to drop support anyway.

Are Windows games supported forever?
drjoms Feb 21, 2022
I cant say I did not see it coming. We let a tiger in to get rid of the cat.
Feral probably ONLY had contract for PC version, for Valve supported OS.
It fulfilled contract.
Companies who want to have market share of handhold console are welcome to buy service for Feral to port there. Or use Proton.

Its sad, I see we won't have any native Linux games any time soon. AA or AAA ones...
Alm888 Feb 21, 2022
How ironic.
Feral made all of its business model around Steam as a platform (up to refusing to release its ports elsewhere)… only to be "betrayed" (if such a term is even applicable to a business venture) and forsaken by the very Steam itself.

The fact that Feral's ports are timed sub-contracts with British game studious (yes, is Feral, as is Creative Assembly, a British company and apparently likes to stick to "home shores") does not help in any way, as now it would be exceedingly difficult to persuade right-holders to renew said sub-contracts. Because, why? Why would you, as a game developer, ever allow some porter to make a Linux version and get some % of every sell for Linux if you can… not allow that to happen and get 100% of Linux sales (through Proton) for yourself?

Last edited by Alm888 on 21 February 2022 at 5:23 pm UTC
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