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Inspired by Cube World, the free Veloren 0.12 release is out

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Fully free and open source, Veloren continues to expand their inspiration from Cube World and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild with version 0.12 out now.

It's still very far from a properly released game but it's coming together, with new content available in this release. Some of what's new includes: a sailing bot, sneaking with weapons drawn, a system for spawning smaller tree-like plants into the world, the ability to toggle always showing health and energy bars, waterfalls, wearable headgear (hood, crown, bandanas), you can mount and ride pets now, arthropods added in, wallrunning and much more.

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Honestly, this is going to be big if they keep this up. I had a little while running around it today and it looks gorgeous at different light levels and there's already quite a lot to see around. Coming across plenty of other players too, some of which were very kind enough to dump random equipment on me - i'm not complaining, I now have some sort of cool fire staff and a wiggly sword.

You can download from the official site.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Philadelphus Feb 19, 2022
Been keeping a vague eye on Veloren for a while now (being interested in learning Rust, and it being one of the more prominent games written in Rust). It hasn't quite caught my interest enough to actually check out, but perhaps I should give it a try one of these days.
Izaic Feb 19, 2022
Quoting: PhiladelphusBeen keeping a vague eye on Veloren for a while now (being interested in learning Rust, and it being one of the more prominent games written in Rust). It hasn't quite caught my interest enough to actually check out, but perhaps I should give it a try one of these days.

Well, it's not really a finished game yet
Lanz Feb 20, 2022
It's great to see this effort alive and well. I think there's something good here.
MakingItWork Feb 21, 2022
Is this game worth getting into yet?
Julius Feb 21, 2022
Quoting: MakingItWorkIs this game worth getting into yet?

I think so, plenty of fun to be had already, but don't expect a huge amount to single player content. Still pretty cool to go for some loot raid in a cave with some friends online.
fagnerln Feb 22, 2022
Promissing game! I'm not a fan of minecraft like games, but I'll try it a bit
axredneck Feb 22, 2022
Quoting: fagnerlnPromissing game! I'm not a fan of minecraft like games, but I'll try it a bit
It's more RPG than Minecraft-like.
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