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Bulwark Studios (Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus) have just shown off the first gameplay trailer for IXION, a game set in the far future that blends together city building, survival elements and exploration with what they claim is a thrilling space opera.

I got excited by this when covering it initially last year, now we finally get a quick look at it. I have to say, it does look pretty fantastic. Can't wait to see more from it.

"Following the Tiqqun’s completion of a time-skipping VOHLE jump and as Administrator for DOLOS AEC (Aerospace Engineering Corporation), the trailer showcases hull restoration, power and resource management, narrative events, station infrastructure and perilous space exploration as critical components of the assignment at hand."

Check out the trailer below:

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We contacted the developer today, who gave a very clear confirmation that it will support Linux.

You can follow IXION on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Philadelphus Feb 15, 2022
I have it on the wishlist from the initial coverage, it certainly looks pretty!
Purple Library Guy Feb 15, 2022
Whoa. Definitely an impressive look. Hard to tell for sure, but hints at being the kind of gameplay I like, too.
foobrew Feb 15, 2022
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Looks good. I'm guessing it'll come in around 80% city builder and 20% exploration but the exploration parts they show in the video do look interesting (I'd prefer more of that). I'm also impressed they show real gameplay footage in the trailer.
scaine Feb 15, 2022
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Not normally my kind of game, but that trailer promised a hell of an atmosphere! Wishlisting for now, definitely.
mark348 Feb 16, 2022
Looks like my kind of thing.
Shmerl Feb 16, 2022
Pretty cool trailer. I hope they'll make GOG release too.

This also reminds me to check how Everspace 2 progress is going.
libgradev Feb 16, 2022
Added to Wishlist - looks amazing
Eldeberen Feb 16, 2022
Looks very much like Helium Rain (even in the world map). I'll keep an eye on it :)
MisterPaytwick Feb 16, 2022
Quoting: EldeberenLooks very much like Helium Rain (even in the world map). I'll keep an eye on it :)

Not sold on that, I feel it may be akin to say that Baldur's Gate and Warcraft being both fantasy are the same. Tho I'm very interested.

Tho this VOHLE thing may sadly hint at being rather soft-ish on the sci-fi side, but it'd be interesting to see where it goes. But the game does look appealing nonetheless.
Projectile Vomit Feb 16, 2022
This looks very cool! It'll be going on my wishlist!
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