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Aperture Desk Job from Valve is out now and it's ridiculous

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Aperture Desk Job is the latest game from Valve, it's free but it's also just a tech demo to show off the Steam Deck controls and features. It's actually a really charming and quite comical experience set in the Portal world but no it's not Portal 3.

"Aperture Desk Job reimagines the been-there-done-that genre of walking simulators and puts them in the lightning-spanked, endorphin-gorged world of sitting still behind things. You play as an entry-level nobody on their first day at work — your heart full of hope and your legs full of dreams, eager to climb that corporate ladder. But life’s got other plans, and they all involve chairs. Designed as a free playable short for Valve’s new Steam Deck, Desk Job walks you through the handheld’s controls and features, while not being nearly as boring as that sounds." — Valve.

You get to test all the controls including the microphone, touchscreen and gyro aiming while also destroying things with a toilet that has turrets attached to it. A very deadly toilet. You will also come across various other household appliances that have weapons attached, it's completely ridiculous but a lot of fun.

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Easily the absolute stupidest thing I've played this year I think, and I say that in the nicest possible way because it's easily worth playing through. Doesn't last long though, at only 30 minutes but worth a go.

Shot taken from Deck:

You don't actually need a Steam Deck to play it, as it's a controller game. Find it free on Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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dubigrasu Mar 1, 2022
Is doing a pretty good job in introducing players to the gyro controls, which btw, are awesome.
whizse Mar 1, 2022
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Very cute and a very clever way to introduce the controls. Best tutorial ever?
pete910 Mar 1, 2022
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Good start, Won't even launch for me

Tried native and runtime.
Anza Mar 1, 2022
I played it all the way through. Just had to restart Steam client to get Steam Input working. Who would have though that Valve game doesn't support controllers without going through Steam Input

Fun little game, luckily gyro wasn't actually required as I don't think I have it in my controller.
BielFPs Mar 1, 2022
Is this game Source 2? Using native Vulkan? Wayland native(gamescope)?
Anza Mar 2, 2022
Quoting: BielFPsIs this game Source 2? Using native Vulkan? Wayland native(gamescope)?

What the game configuration file tells is that it's Source 2 game and uses Vulkan. I don't know about Wayland as I haven't switched to that.
Mountain Man Mar 2, 2022
Valve's art design is among the best in the industry. I love the visuals here. And the humor is classic Portal.

By the way, the game works perfectly with a Steam Controller.
const Mar 2, 2022
I try to not let me get spoilered till I get my deck sometime this month. I had the suspicion, this was going to be mainly a controls and gyro tutorial and I'm glad that's what it is. For the Deck to really show it's full potential, the users must be introduced to gyro, there's no way around it. Tutorial games are amazing, not only for this, but also for setting up standards for other games. I hope more will follow.
braiam Mar 2, 2022
Quoting: pete910Good start, Won't even launch for me

Tried native and runtime.

If you have disabled Steam overlay, it wont work. You have to have it enabled for the game and in general.
mark348 Mar 2, 2022
Looks really fun.
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