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Bomb Club Deluxe is an explosive puzzle game out now

By - | Views: 10,386

Bomb Club Deluxe from Antoine Latour and Lozange Lab is a fresh and quality puzzle game, all about setting off explosive chain reactions to solve a level. Note: key provided by the developer.

Health and safety? What's that? Never heard of it. Let the chaos flow. The concept of Bomb Club Deluxe is simple: you need to wipe the board of bombs, by placing more bombs and letting them all go pop. It's simple and effective, with a ton of playable levels (200+!) to keep you going for quite a while. The bombs all have ridiculous faces too.

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Game Features:

  • More than 20 bombs and a dozen hats to discover as you travel the world
  • More than 200 hand-made levels
  • A vast non-linear map to explore, full of surprises and optional levels
  • Easy to pick up, hard to master. You'll never be stuck, but prepare to be challenged if you want to be!
  • A loveable cast of characters
  • A full story and dialogues to keep you engaged. Those can be skipped if you're only here for the puzzles!
  • Colorful, comic-like visuals, and a soundtrack inspired by videogame classics.
  • Soundtrack as free DLC

Works perfectly with their native Linux version on desktop and it's a whole lot of fun. Really great to have such an easy recommendation like this. For Steam Deck, things are different. It doesn't have controller support and is not currently verified but it does work perfectly with the mouse / keyboard emulation in Steam Input and Touchscreen too!

Available to buy on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Jpxe Mar 2, 2022
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Does it work on Deck and is it expected to get Verified or Playable?
Liam Dawe Mar 2, 2022
Quoting: JpxsonDoes it work on Deck and is it expected to get Verified or Playable?
Added a note.
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