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Recently, Konami released an announcement on the Castlevania Advance Collection Steam store page to say it does not work on the Steam Deck. It does. Note: personal purchase.

The statement reads: "Before purchasing this software, please be advised that it cannot be played on Steam Deck as it does not support SteamOS.". Clearly then they don't understand how Linux, SteamOS, Proton or Steam Deck works. As usual, I'm here to clear things up — as it really works just fine.

Not only does it work completely out of the box with Proton 7.0-1 on my Linux desktop, it also works perfectly on the Steam Deck (Proton 7 is the default), as I shall demonstrate in the below video:

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Checked this one out at many user requests.

Every game in the collection was tested working. Saving and loading with their in-built system also works, as does their fancy rewind feature. It even warns you with a silly screen to mention it doesn't support plugging in earphones / unplugging during gameplay. You should have seen my confused face when seeing that warning screen. That also works just fine.

I can see no reason to skip it if you were looking to buy it.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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whizse Mar 3, 2022
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Konami went on to state: "Also, bumblebees cannot fly as the lift generated by the wing does not support the weight."
Johan Lejonborn Mar 3, 2022
Konami posted the same announcement on Castlevania Anniversary Collection but not on their other Classics Collections.

Hopefully just a misunderstanding of SteamOS/Proton on their end.
micha Mar 3, 2022
Maybe it's just outdated information on Konami's end?

I didn't work before at least. IIRC even with Proton 6 I had the same issues blocking each game in the collection.
TimeFreeze Mar 3, 2022
Castlevania Anniversary Collection is also working without issues, same with Contra Anniversary Collection.
elmapul Mar 3, 2022
i dont want to be the thin foil hat here, but i bet sony, nintendo , microsoft, google or amazon are involved.
some partner of then may have asked then to say bullshit like that.
google had to pay capcom 10 millions to support their platform with resident evil 7 and 8, imagine their face when valve get this for free while they have to do deals?
the same probably goes for amazon and any un stabilished platform.
even nintendo, sony and microsoft strugle to get thirdy party support when they relase an new unproven platform.
kit89 Mar 3, 2022
Quoting: elmapuli dont want to be the thin foil hat here, but i bet sony, nintendo , microsoft, google or amazon are involved.
some partner of then may have asked then to say bullshit like that.
google had to pay capcom 10 millions to support their platform with resident evil 7 and 8, imagine their face when valve get this for free while they have to do deals?
the same probably goes for amazon and any un stabilished platform.
even nintendo, sony and microsoft strugle to get thirdy party support when they relase an new unproven platform.

Best not attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
Zappor Mar 3, 2022
So... it actually works better on Linux than Windows because of the headphone thing?! :-D
a0kami Mar 3, 2022
Castlevania collection working nicely on Deck ?
Ok, I'm sold, shut up Valve and take my money!
toor Mar 3, 2022
Maybe we should understand
Quoteit does not support SteamOS
as "don't ask us if it doesn't work, we are not responsible of your experience with the game on steamOS"
eldaking Mar 3, 2022
I recently played Aria of Sorrow (one of the games included) and it is absolutely a blast, probably the best Castlevania game (not that I have played most of them, of course). It was not as part of this collection, though, I had to hunt down the original game.

I think it is super cool when ROMs are sold like this. They could even be extracted/uncompressed and played on other emulators, though of course the convenience of just using the default it comes with is usually preferable - but I saw a tutorial on how to mod the ROMs (applying patches and re-compressing them), for example. But the Nintendo policy of "no, this game does not exist anymore, forget it and buy the new game" is silly, there should be no reason for this, especially for things like the GBA where emulating the hardware is trivial.

The scary notices that "this is not supported!" are very weird for us Linux users, used to hack everything and run it regardless of whether the devs worked on it or planned it. But for the console environment, where the norm is "no of course you can't run software I didn't sell you, and even that only at my convenience", this might look normal? Maybe they are being overcautious about support tickets, maybe they are half-testy about their games working on a handheld that they didn't specifically release them for (they could be selling a PC version and a Deck version, if it wasn't for Valve meddling too much!), maybe they didn't research and/or test it properly, or something else.
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