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Want to support the people of Ukraine and get a little something in return perhaps? There's a huge amount of developers throwing their support in and even John Romero has appeared with a new DOOM II level.

Named "One Humanity", it's available for a donation of €5.00 and it's to "support the people of Ukraine and the humanitarian efforts of the Red Cross and the UN Central Emergency Response Fund" with 100% of the proceeds going towards the support.

This is Romero's first DOOM II level since the release of the original. To play, it says you need a copy of DOOM II and a modern source port (like GZDoom, which will run on the Steam Deck too). is also currently gearing up for another charity mega bundle, will let you know when it's live.

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Tags: Charity, FPS
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Jpxe Mar 3, 2022
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Feels good buying games and supporting Ukraine
slapin Mar 3, 2022
  • Supporter Plus
Liam Dawe Mar 3, 2022
We will be removing any idiotic comments. Stop it.
Cyril Mar 3, 2022
Bought! A bit annoying about the 3 limit downloading but it's not really a big issue so keep it safe.
Koopacabras Mar 3, 2022
there's also the option to buy this war of mine too, all their sales funds are proceding to the ukranian red cross.
Anza Mar 3, 2022
Quoting: Koopacabrasthere's also the option to buy this war of mine too, all their sales funds are proceding to the ukranian red cross.

I have been noticing few more companies doing something like that.

SCS Software has announced Ukrainian paintjob DLC (they say that proceeds go to those in need) for Euro Truck Simulator 2. That's not the only thing, but rest of the details are behind the link.

Thunderful is still donating proceeds from sales of Steamworld Heist to Red Cross.

Artifex Mundi has already donated proceeds from Russian sales of their games from last year to Polish Red Cross. Any proceeds from sales of Irony Curtain: From Matryoska with Love to same fund. Based on that games premise and content it is quite appropriate (game is basically parody about Soviet Union without mentioning it by name).

Those I was able to find just by browsing my news feed. There must be more out there.
Anza Mar 3, 2022
Quoting: Liam DaweWe will be removing any idiotic comments. Stop it.

I saw some comments in Steam discussions and oh boy, some people have really started trolling.

Thank you for moderating, we don't need that kind of discussions here. We are able to go off topic even without going into politics, thank you very much.
Phlebiac Mar 4, 2022
QuoteThis is Romero's first DOOM II level since the release of the original.

This article has the same headline, but then goes on to list multiple releases that contradict it:

Or were those other releases technically for Doom, and not Doom 2?

Last edited by Phlebiac on 4 March 2022 at 1:33 am UTC
Anza Mar 4, 2022
Quoting: Phlebiac
QuoteThis is Romero's first DOOM II level since the release of the original.

This article has the same headline, but then goes on to list multiple releases that contradict it:

Or were those other releases technically for Doom, and not Doom 2?

You're right, that's the case.
UnixOutlaw Mar 4, 2022
Bought - great cause! Only just read David Kushner's "Masters of Doom" - mostly about the two Johns... Thanks John Romero!
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