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Steam Deck gets a 15FPS option, new keyboard themes

By - | Views: 42,930

Valve has a fresh upgrade out for the Steam Deck giving you even more performance control, plus you can now buy new keyboard themes in the Points Shop.

One thing I think Valve could improve is getting to the various sections on Steam. The Deck interface is quite limited overall, with very few shortcuts to the many parts of Steam available. The Points Shop for example, you can access that by going into the main Settings, go to Keyboard and there's a Points Shop button there to go direct to the Keyboard section. Additionally, when you buy a new Keyboard theme, they don't show in the list until a reboot it seems but you can equip them directly from the store page.

Here's two of the new keyboard themes:

Here's all that's new:


  • Added 15 fps option to the Framerate Limit slider in the QAM performance menu.
  • Added progress information to SD card format operations.
  • Added first batch of keyboard themes to the Points Shop.
  • Added gamepad support to the Steam Points Award dialog.
  • Fixed "Use Touchscreen" flashing on some web pages.
  • Fixed a case where the Software Update UI would stop making progress.

Controller Configuration

  • Added numeric display of values to Setting sliders.
  • Added the ability to manually enter a specific value on Setting sliders.
  • Fixed bug where the last change of a Setting slider wouldn't save.
  • Fixed bug where physical inputs sometimes disappeared while editing Action Set Layers.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Eike Mar 12, 2022
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I wonder what I would want to play with 15 fps though.
Not even a point and click, right?
tuubi Mar 12, 2022
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Quoting: EikeI wonder what I would want to play with 15 fps though.
Not even a point and click, right?
Maybe a visual novel or some puzzle games might be perfectly playable? Not smooth, but playable. I suppose sometimes you might prefer a choppy experience to nothing at all due to your battery running out.

Besides, I remember enjoying Microprose's Formula One Grand Prix on the Amiga at something like 8 fps back in the day. And Stunt Car Driver wasn't much smoother.
MayeulC Mar 12, 2022
I like the steam controller virtual keyboard, is there something similar with the touchpads on Steam Deck? I think I would be more proficient with that than a touchscreen.
WorMzy Mar 12, 2022
Are there alternate layouts to qwerty? Specifically dvorak?
Solitary Mar 12, 2022
Liam, could you make a video to showcase those 15fps? Maybe showing 1) a game where it is completely fine, 2) game where it makes a visual difference, but the gameplay is still okay and 3) one instance where it is not good experience to just see what 15fps can't do, but also what kind of battery life it can provide. Would be nice to show a comparison running demanding game that goes full throttle in 60fps, and then measure 30fps and 15fps and what are the differences in power consumption.
Vulphere Mar 12, 2022
15fps limit is interesting... another idea for Decky video for Liam

Quoting: WorMzyAre there alternate layouts to qwerty? Specifically dvorak?

Yeah, DVORAK would be neat alternative for keyboard layouts on Deck!

Last edited by Vulphere on 12 March 2022 at 12:19 pm UTC
eldaking Mar 12, 2022
Quoting: EikeI wonder what I would want to play with 15 fps though.
Not even a point and click, right?

Turn-based 4X games, where you don't really care about what little animation there is... but other aspects of performance are super important, like the time between turns or how big you can make the map.

Visual novels, abstract games like chess or sudoku or solitaire, and other games where there just isn't that much happening in the screen, especially not super fast. Maybe there is some eyecandy effects, but it has little impact in the "gameplay".

And, of course, there is the use case of "I know this sucks but I just don't care". Some people (like me :P) are perfectly willing to put up with big annoyances and low-quality experiences.
Mountain Man Mar 12, 2022
Quoting: EikeI wonder what I would want to play with 15 fps though.
Not even a point and click, right?
A turn based strategy game, or even something like one of Paradox's real time grand strategy titles would be playable at 15FPS. But I imagine this is only a setting you would use if you really needed to maximize battery life.
hm11 Mar 12, 2022
This is good. I can see the 15fps thing helping out in some games that dont require much like visual novels and whatever text-type game (maybe itll help with power savings.) I hope this thing replaces big picture on the desktop.. it only makes sense.

Last edited by hm11 on 12 March 2022 at 1:58 pm UTC
Breizh Mar 12, 2022
Not only would I like to see Dvorak (or others like Bépo for French, or even better, fully customizable), but also that the keys are orthogonal. Not that it's essential on a touch keyboard, but just for the sake of habits.

I think that’s easy to do in desktop mode, since you already have the tools to do that for Linux, but if it can be integrated in Steam…

Last edited by Breizh on 12 March 2022 at 2:47 pm UTC
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