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Dota 2 has a very lively community, and sadly often you will come across some attitudes that just aren't friendly and now Valve has made it simpler to deal with them in-game.

There's now a single button that gives you access to mute voice, text and report a player all from the same little screen. A very useful change. There's also a quick way to mute an entire team if they're a problem. It's a shame such things are needed but welcome changes from Valve there.

Not only that, Valve also announced changes to how they will handle communication reports. They said "Our goals are to make it quick and easy to mute disruptive players while also getting a clear indication of which players we might need to take stronger action on".

Learning the game should be a bit easier now too, with a big upgrade to the Hero demo area to include:

  • The northern section of the Demo Map has been expanded to provide more flat area for testing.
  • Added controls to easily spawn Allied heroes, in addition to enemies.
  • Added a control to reset a hero back to level 1.
  • Added a control to remove a hero once you're done testing.
  • Buttons for leveling, adding Scepter, adding Shard, and toggling invulnerability now apply to all currently selected heroes.
  • When toggling creeps off all existing lane creeps will be destroyed.
  • Added a button to spawn a single creep wave from each side.
  • Added buttons to spawn the 6 major runes.

Some performance improvements also arrived too. Valve said they tweaked the "Panorama UI engine to use atlassing to more efficiently interact with the GPU" which "resulted in 25-30% better performance in the GPU work necessary for the HUD" so those using the Vulkan API should see an increase in CPU performance.

See the full changes and play free on Steam.

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Tags: Free Game, MOBA, Steam, Valve | Apps: Dota 2
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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anewson Mar 29, 2022
I'm sure games like DOTA have considered implementing a peer voting system for conduct and ultimately rejected the idea, I wonder what the reasoning is? the Uber system for online gaming, if you will.
drjoms Mar 29, 2022
Honestly, what do you expect in SUPERULTRA competitive game where most games are random people together?
anewson Mar 29, 2022
Quoting: drjomsHonestly, what do you expect in SUPERULTRA competitive game where most games are random people together?

yeah; I guess I'm not surprised about why things are the way they are, but I am surprised that we haven't found a way to make things better. I remember a time when cabbies could be pretty horrible to their rides (and vice versa). Amazing what a tiny amount of accountability did to those one-shot random stranger interactions.

Maybe as you say, the competitiveness of the game (and playerbase demographics?) make the problem insurmountable, but I'm not convinced at the moment.
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