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Watch Valve's Gabe Newell deliver some Steam Decks

By - | Views: 18,702

Yes it's true, Gabe Newell of Valve really did go around delivering a Steam Deck to various people and now there's an official video on it. I'm not jealous at all.

Check it out below:

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A fun bit of marketing but it goes to show how close Valve's co-founder is to the project as a whole. It's quite wholesome to see really and shows Newell's clear passion for the Steam Deck and Valve as a whole. Not only that, I think it goes to show how important the Steam Deck is for the future of Valve too.

Hopefully by the end of the month we shall see a lot more people have their unit in hand, so we can have more gamers on Deck.

When is yours arriving? Let us know in the comments.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Lanz Mar 1, 2022
I love how Gabe says he works at Valve, not that he's the CEO. I feel like Valve is a nice place to work if the founder considers himself on the same level as the rest of the employees. Overall very cool of him to do this.
Vulphere Mar 1, 2022
Imagine their expression when Gaben comes to their place of residences and hands off Steam Decks

From the legend himself!
Koopacabras Mar 1, 2022
Awesome video.
Just something I noted some of the guys/gals, didn't know who Gaben even was, that people don't seem like "tech" people. Probably they are gonna use Steam Deck as it is and not switch the OS.
Purple Library Guy Mar 1, 2022
I know it's a publicity stunt. But, it still says something. I mean, at most companies it would never occur to them that the CEO doing something like that for publicity could possibly be an option. There's something grounded about the style of Valve in general and Gabe in particular that allows for that kind of idea.

(For that matter, if the CEOs of most companies did pull a stunt like that, nobody would care. A couple of exceptions, sure--they'd have cared if Steve Jobs went around personally delivering iPhones. But he wouldn't have done it, and the current guy? Nobody cares who he is)

Last edited by Purple Library Guy on 1 March 2022 at 6:47 am UTC
Purple Library Guy Mar 1, 2022
Quoting: KoopacabrasAwesome video.
Just something I noted some of the guys/gals, didn't know who Gaben even was
What I took away from that was, they put those in the video. There's some humility in the approach there. They could totally have left out anyone who wasn't worshipping the ground Gabe walked on, but they put them in. Classy.
pb Mar 1, 2022
Quoting: KoopacabrasAwesome video.
Just something I noted some of the guys/gals, didn't know who Gaben even was, that people don't seem like "tech" people. Probably they are gonna use Steam Deck as it is and not switch the OS.

Apparently one of them was a wife of a guy who had gone skiing: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/t2fmg0/gaben_showed_up_at_my_house_and_delivered_my/hylsx25/
Grogan Mar 1, 2022
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Now that's pretty cool. I hope he enjoyed it, too.
Guppy Mar 1, 2022
Imagine the getting home from work to the conversation that starts "So this fat old guy with a camera crew dropped off a package for you?"

Secondly (a little rant about car safety you can skip) - in the car ( eg. at https://youtu.be/9Dy-KWjp-m0?t=216 ) He is not wearing a seat belt which is bad, but how on earth did she manage to put on the seat belt that wrong? if the car crashes she will break her neck on the seat in front of her. A 3 point seat belt is NOT meant to be worn like that, your better off not using it than using it wrong :|
Termy Mar 1, 2022
Quoting: pbApparently one of them was a wife of a guy who had gone skiing: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/t2fmg0/gaben_showed_up_at_my_house_and_delivered_my/hylsx25/

When i saw that part in the video i just thought "i would bite my ass if i was THAT guy" xD
Koopacabras Mar 1, 2022
got me thinking, since he reads ALL the emails, ever tried to reach him @Liam? an interview of GoL with the man, the legend, himself, would blow my mind.🤯🤯
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