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AI War 2: The Neinzul Abyss DLC out, Arcen finished with it

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The massive-scale space RTS AI War 2 has a new expansion out with AI War 2: The Neinzul Abyss, and it seems Arcen are now finished with the game and moving onto their next project.

Arcen say this expansion is bigger than some standalone games, and the game has lost the "Beta" status for multiplayer as it seems to all work fine now. On the game as a whole, they're not working full-time on it now and consider it pretty much done. However, they will be around watching over it to put out bug fixes whenever they're needed.

Their next title is already in progress, but it is not set in their existing "Arcenverse" of sci-fi games.

For AI War 2: The Neinzul Abyss, the expansion allows you to be a "Necromancer", giving you control over a mobile fleet that feasts on the living from other universes. Capture enemy guard posts, make skeletons and wights out of enemy ships.

There's also a bunch of new factions:

  • Neinzul Sappers can be the ultimate ally... for you or your enemies
  • Neinzul Elderlings are giant creatures you can unleash to roam around the galaxy, even without the necromancer
  • Neinzul Custodians are fractured groups of Neinzul that have found their way to our galaxy that will show undying loyalty to any that accept them
  • Neinzul Migrant Fleets constantly appear at random on the map, either opening up new holes in your enemies' defenses or aggravating them and leaving you to pick up the pieces
  • Neinzul Wild Hives appear to be relatively peaceful if left alone, but their hives actively inhibit the abilities of any ships within their territory

Plus, free updates to 'The Spire Rises' Expansion

  • New Ark Empire player type
  • Spire-Insued Empire player type
  • Modular Ships
  • New Chromatic Horror faction
  • Several new Spire Dyson Sphere factions
  • Warheads and Interplanetary Weapons, related to the spire dyson sphere factions

You can buy AI War 2 from GOG, Humble Store and Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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scaine Apr 26, 2022
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I could have sworn that Arcen nearly went out of business a year or two ago... turns out that was January 2016, over 6 years ago, and it looks like AI War 2 is what may have brought them back from the brink.

Also, nice touch - all their games exist in the same universe, albeit centuries apart.

I'm not really a big fan of the genres they tend to pick for their games, but I loved Bionic Dues. I have no idea what their next game is about however.
ElamanOpiskelija Apr 26, 2022
Going out with a bang!
AI War 2 is one of the unsung strategy wonders out there.
Most players get into a game like this and never really play multiplayer. Just play against AI. If anything, they will play co-op with a friend against the AI, but that's about it.
But what if we go ahead and play the game that's designed to be played against AI? That's AI War's forte.

I got to know about AI War 2's existence thanks to this site, by the way. GamingOnLinux is my dealer in the shadow.
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