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Block Quake is basically Quake made into LEGO

By - | Views: 24,970

Do you love Quake? Do you love LEGO? Well, now they've been kind-of combined together to create Block Quake. Yes, someone really did this. It's a total conversion mod for the original Quake, giving you cute plastic blocky styled characters.

It works with multiple different game engines too. You can combine it with the official Quake, which was remastered by Nightdive Studios to the KEX engine but it also works with QuakeSpasm 0.93.2, QuakeSpasm-Spiked and DarkPlaces. So you get to pick and do whatever you want with it.

Block Quake has blocky characters, enemies and boss models, textures and animations. Along with blocky themed weapon pickups, weapon model textures and animations and the list goes on. As much as possible has been changed into this rather silly (but awesome) style.

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The developer has plans to continue improving it with new sound effects, a new HUD, possible support for some other modes like QuakeWorld CTF and much more.

You can grab it from and GitHub.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Linas Apr 27, 2022
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As much as I enjoy LEGO as a product, LEGO as a company is quite litigious, and not always welcoming to fan projects like this. Anyway, this looks awesome.
Liam Dawe Apr 27, 2022
Quoting: LinasAs much as I enjoy LEGO as a product, LEGO as a company is quite litigious, and not always welcoming to fan projects like this. Anyway, this looks awesome.
Not much they can do, the project isn't in any way using the LEGO name and LEGO itself has plenty of real-life cheapo versions too that seem to do fine.
Linuxer Apr 27, 2022
Umm what is a .pak file? I see that for a download at itch. Do i just run that?
Linas Apr 27, 2022
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Quoting: LinuxerUmm what is a .pak file? I see that for a download at itch. Do i just run that?
It's a data file for the Quake engine, sort of like a plugin. You'd have to copy that into your existing Quake installation.
Purple Library Guy Apr 27, 2022
Quoting: LinuxerUmm what is a .pak file? I see that for a download at itch. Do i just run that?
A .pak file, huh? I'd avoid that. It's a file for turning someone into a Pak Protector from Ringworld, and they're violent, hyperintelligent, and amazingly strong and fast.
Beren Apr 27, 2022
Quoting: LinuxerUmm what is a .pak file? I see that for a download at itch. Do i just run that?
What I would do is to look for some installation instructions at the page where I found the download.
Hamish Apr 28, 2022
Quoting: LinuxerUmm what is a .pak file?
Okay, now I feel old.
Seegras Apr 28, 2022
Quoting: Linas
Quoting: LinuxerUmm what is a .pak file? I see that for a download at itch. Do i just run that?
It's a data file for the Quake engine, sort of like a plugin. You'd have to copy that into your existing Quake installation.

Either copy it into your id1-dir, then quake will be block-quake until you remove it, or copy and rename pak2.pak into a subdirectory of your quake-dir, as "blocks/pak0.pak" and then run "darkplaces -game blocks" (or whatever engine you use).
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